I think Jaeyoung already is planning for an option to have Sangwoo come with him, and that...

Agentine October 28, 2023 6:02 pm

I think Jaeyoung already is planning for an option to have Sangwoo come with him, and that's why he asked all those questions about his resumé and personal info on text! They just need to talk it out atp, hopefully Sangwoo opens up about it to him next chapter.

    QueenAva October 28, 2023 6:35 pm

    Jaeyoung got of him being clueless so he's waiting for sangwoo you confess his feelings well also prrparing an option for him to have to be with jaeyoung in america because the whole world knows sangwoo loves that man and they are dating except for sangwoo. Jaeyoung is just being patient with him right now and letting him process the emotions by himself because he's tried to have sangwoo at his speed and it didn't go well so he's waiting for him to catch up well making sure that when he does catch up sangwoo has options on how they continue the relationship either via long distance or he comes to america with jaeyoung

    Agentine October 28, 2023 8:46 pm
    Jaeyoung got of him being clueless so he's waiting for sangwoo you confess his feelings well also prrparing an option for him to have to be with jaeyoung in america because the whole world knows sangwoo loves t... QueenAva

    Well yeah, exactly. :P