I'm confused.... I don't think they ever showed the fl's friend's jealousy, or did I miss ...

Cherry October 28, 2023 10:50 am

I'm confused.... I don't think they ever showed the fl's friend's jealousy, or did I miss it?

    Dreamy girl passing by October 28, 2023 10:58 am

    It's not really jealousy.
    It's not really about Lucy in this matter. She's hurt because the second prince have matters to discuss with Lucy more than with her.
    She is feelling left out by everyone and she's right about that.
    The second prince should have a real talk with her

    Hopeless_shipper October 29, 2023 8:32 pm
    It's not really jealousy. It's not really about Lucy in this matter. She's hurt because the second prince have matters to discuss with Lucy more than with her.She is feelling left out by everyone and she's righ... Dreamy girl passing by

    That's literally jealousy tho