What about the Vikings and Welsh that wore dread, male and female their hair wasn't a certain texture and their hair did not suffer, they had straight long hair, if you don't know hair science don't assume only kind of hair can take certain styles, it kind of rude to the generations of people from different cultures all over the world who wore or still wear dreads.

If you would reread what I said, I said that anyone can have DREADS. Dreads and locs are completely different. I’ve seen plenty of white people have dreads, even if they are matted they’re still dreads. I don’t know why y’all are arguing over a hairstyle in a FICTIONAL story. It’s fake guys cmon, read it and go on to the next one.

Sorry if it sounded like i am fighting, but the truth is that they are still the same, one goes to professionals to get it done and will continue to do so to remain neat, the other decided to let it fly till they die, not taking care of it and if they do it's minimal, all in all it is the same process whether you are trying to look neat or homeless.

no the fuck it didn't. This is how I know you know NOTHING about 4c hair. Matted hair is different, it's dirty, either way too dry or way too oily and crusty. that's what happens when white people don't wash their hair or maintain it properly for long periods of time. That's what your vikings were wearing.
It's completely different from locs or dreadlocks that are clean, properly maintained and protective.
Stop pretending like you know what you're talking about. It makes you look like even more of a dumbass.

girl do your research, you assumed i don't know what i am talking about, like look it up your self, if you actually read what i said matted hair is how you make locs, you do it on purpose, every country has done it, it look different in every culture and too prove you wrong again, am black not mixed was born in Africa. I know what i am talking about, the vikings matted their hair purposefully, hair will always be dry and oily no matter the race it will always keep dirt inside it and you assumed just because the hair does not look like what you imagined it must be dirty and unclean that there is racist and privileged. You think their are stupid and did not know how to keep their hair clean, moreover 4c hair is not the only hair that matts this is how i know you don't know what you are saying funny to think just because i am not gate keeping hair i am white, there are better things to do in this life and quarrelling about hair that can be cut is not in my too do list.
Do your research before you get angry you might find out how wrong you are.
the dreads.. ....why is his asian ass wearing them and why did the author think that was okay????
If your gonna give him locs, then at least make him black or even little bit melanated or sumn. like damn
But ANYWAYS, the story itself was okay-ish imo. I really don't like these types of character dynamics; a cute character whose earnest and loves to covey their feelings to show they really love their partner♡ being paired up with the hiyakasudere type of characters ughhhh. Those hiyakasudere characters are the worst in anything with romance