She's selfish.....

Rara October 27, 2023 8:55 am

Okayy, first of all, it's acceptable that she wants to save herself from death BUTT it's SELFISH IF she wants her parents to have HAPPY ending. What?!! Does she think the emperor deserves to be happy after he abandoned his first wife and son like that?!! please be logic FL????You shouldn't expect your brother to forgive your dad and live happily together??? Don't you remember during his mom funeral, the emperor stop the ceremony immediately because you fainted?!!!!! That's extreme gurlsss, she's THE QUEEN, AT LEAST SHOW SOME RESPECT!!! A part of me LOVE the when the emperor died in the previous timeline BECAUSE irresponsible trash should D*e, but we need to consider the fact that the emperor still keep his bro alive. Instead of dead, maybe hmmm prison? I don't know. Hoping for regret but looks like there's no hope for that . Overall, gurls just save your damn self, don't be so selfish!!!!!!!

    LessThanACoin November 22, 2023 4:11 pm

    Ikr how can that trash and her mistress's ass mother be still kept happy? When their disgusting happiness came at a fking expense of others suffering.