A long explaination to a dumbass
At some point, Gongja told Raviel(a regressor) that he's also a regressor, he came here to learn love and so asked her to teach him, he fell in love with Raviel while trying to understand love.
Raviel revealed a secret to him, the sister of Shiny was a sword that she used to stab herself. Which cause the world to destory after 10(?) Days.
So the reality of them being together is not possible, as they're both regressor. (one of them will not be able to remember)
At that time, Cult something was already synchronised 100%. There was nothing he could do to stop that.
Gongja then came up with the idea of them dying together at the same time and used his aura to explode both of their brain in the last few seconds on the final day.
But his calculation was wrong, Raviel came back on the first day while he came back on the last day (24 hours ago) so he asked Raviel to die together with him for about 9 times and wait for him 8, 7, 6 and so on days.
Finally, they're at first day they meet and ran away from the place. Hence the thought of them "fucking in the carriage".
You're already skipping an arc that's a part of a story just cuz you can't bare some romance (how pathetic are you?) And that's the thought you had? Bro..☠☠ You reading some shit or something??
Stopped reading for a few chapters since i dont care about this romance at all/ dont really like the characters but idk when this specific arc will end so read the newest one and wtf happend? thought they were gonna fuck in the carriage haha