Well I mean Jaekyung is the one who always wants to be on the top. He's the kind of person who cannot accept loss, so he's ready to do whatever it takes to be on the top. Even from the beginning, the other members have always admired him and praised him for his hard work. Three other people who are eating, partying don't have any problem with their work, but still they're all walking on eggshells for him. This is a phase where he needs to give up the things others are doing to be in a place others are not. He knows that pretty well. A life of a top athlete is rigorous and he knows that too. They're not dehydrating with him because they don't need to, it's his choice so he needs to make the sacrifices himself. He hasn't treated them any better for them to give up their lifestyle for him. Still they're being considerate of him as much as possible. The world doesn't revolve around him. As for talking to him, including him in their group activities, we've seen it in previous chapters that he himself doesn't do those things. You can't keep making room for someone who doesn't want it. His hard works are being appreciated by other, but are their support bring appreciating by him? Hardly. He's always been too focused on winning, he does whatever it takes to keep winning, even if it means assaulting others for his jinx.
I understand the points you're making, but you need to think from their perspective too. He's always closed off anyone who tried to come close to him, potato is an example of that. How does that make those people feel? He's always only given them reasons to be scared of him, how can they see him in a different light if that's the only side of him he always shows? I hope he understands the flaws in his character and work on them.

of course, we only see it from everyone else’s side so that’s why i wanted to bring an alternate view. jaekyung doesn’t complain because he knows he chose it all and knows he must take responsibility. and it’s differently hard to invite someone who seems to like being alone… But is that true? they said jaekyung doesn’t usually go to dinners like doc dans welcoming party, but he showed up with the excuse of a company card anyway and then stayed. kinda like no one invited him directly. like i said, i think namwook is partially responsible for this behavior because i believe he’s encouraging jaekyung’s isolation (unconsciously) and leading others to believe jaekyung is this one kind of person only.
that said, no one deserves jaekyung’s abuse, verbal or otherwise. i wish they could all just say how they feel but where’s the story in that?
just read an analysis by bebebisous33 mirroring my own thoughts: the shake and the jinx, and jaekyung’s desperation in isolation. jaekyung is indeed out of control and violent but looking at the actions of those around him, they weren’t considerate of him either. namwook and that jesus dude (forgot his name) knew jaekyung has a short temper and put him on a pedestal he cannot leave. everyone else below him can go enjoy their lives, but jaekyung is expected to go through this intense training to prove himself because of a media attack on his career. instead of encouragement, everyone is full of apprehension which puts jaekyung on the defensive: he must prove to the world and to his team that he is a champion. he’s not fighting them directly, but he’s shouldering their intense scrutiny. on top of that, everyone who has come along is supposed to be supporting him but none of them go through the dehydration phase with him, none of them encourage him or tell him they’re impressed by his stamina/whatever. in fact, they are all scared of him, expecting him to blow up, pity him in his struggle, or yell at him for letting his frustration out inappropriately. they all go shopping, eat junk food behind his back, and gather without inviting him to join. he’s like a tall tree in a hurricane, with all the other trees using numbers to survive while he’s expected to stand alone. im not saying to feel bad for him, but rather to look at it from all sides: these guys, all of them, like jaekyung for whatever reason. they know enough about him to understand that being scared of him and sneaking behind his back upsets him and there all aware that he’s touchy in the first place. they could’ve been more empathetic if they wanted a different reaction from him. specifically namwook: everyone looks to him for guidance and leadership and he doesn’t tell everyone to encourage jaekyung, he tells dan to be patient, tells the other guys to stop whining, and tells jaekyung to say please and thank you. so jaekyung is supposed to be thankful for everyone putting up with what they are expecting will be bad behavior instead of…talking to jaekyung, involving him in group activities, and reassuring him that they are there to support him.
my prediction is that jaekyung will be ultrasuperhyperviolently pissed off about dan’s condition possibly interfering with their jinx ritual, but i think he’ll learn something important about his jinx and then i think he’ll care for dan. they probably will have sex because of the aphrodisiac, but i don’t think it’ll be the forceful event you’re imagining since dan is drugged anyway. and perhaps jaekyung is against having sex with someone who’s drugged and will refuse to touch him. i do think he’ll win the match though.
on the other hand… jaekyung could lose the match and blame dan’s weak body and then shit will hit the fan… but i hope not.