Now that I'm 30 and rereading this makes me relate to Mirae. "Who you calli...
Im not too fond of the reaction the jealousy brings to these 3 lmao it just...
super nice read
man up until ch32 it was going well… that was so random and unnecessary l...
When i first read this I rly rly loved this. But now rereading it im seeing all the problems lmao. Its still a rly good story tho and one of the better conestiual non toxic yaois. Def recommend
1. Ryuhan is a good person- i feel like his character was exagerrated so teh uke wouldn't become the compelte bad guy but hoenstly this dude was a solid friend. He cared for his bestie although he did have other friends, IT was just teh uke getting jealous and possesive thats why the readers felt liek shitting on him. Since he geneiruly did care for the uke (as a friend) and was worried for him. I hapyp the uke realized that Ryuhan wasn't being a btich.
2. OMG I FUCKIN HATE TEH UKE FOR DOING THIS- the uke was treating the seme like how he felt Ryu han was treating him- Ngl seme was way to nice for putting up with this shit. That one drinking scene, dang he exlplained it in the wrost possible way to the seme. But then the seme this werid rape but not thing lmao like tf Aishh