May be she saw a version of Peony that could actually put her and her brother out of their misery and thought that would be better than anything that has happened to the both of them so far. She could have thought if lending her body could help set them free may be it was worth it bc so far anything she did could not mend her relationship with her own brother. If her soul is really gone, I think she would be at peace atleast.

They said that Unicorn tears have the power to almost bring someone alive again.. I don't know if this is just a figure of speech but.. I hoped they will bring Gabriel body back.... and peony back..
But is that possible? It's been 6 years... but what about the ring? And where is the body...
There's a lot of things to be answer
But one is certain if they did the deed with penny's body then Gabriel is gone for good but if
They haven't chances are high the author would bring back gab's body... haaaa I wanna read the novel so bad ..
I love the story, it's truer than true. Still.... Honestly? I feel bad for the og Peony. If she's truly gone for good, she definitely won't have the chance to get, feel, and experience her own happiness. One of them as in mend her relationship with her biological brother (third prince). Like... We all can see that third prince is gradually getting kinder than he used to be because of her last wish. In my defense, seeing the third prince's flashback about Peony's last wish (and goodbye), I can see that Peony looks like she has nothing to lose. She definitely looks content despite the fact that another soul (Gaby's) will join her in her body. Naturally, I harbour no ill will towards our lovely main couple. I love them and their relationship. I wish nothing but the best for them, of course. But it's just me and my heart that bleeds when I think about the og Peony's situation ┗( T﹏T )┛