It's a cauliflower ear! It's actually nice seeing thr author put little details like this. Cauliflower ears are common among boxers because it probably got hit during the match.
It's a cauliflower ear! It's actually nice seeing thr author put little details like this. Cauliflower ears are common among boxers because it probably got hit during the match. [黄] ₙ ₑ ₖ ₒ
It's a cauliflower ear! It's actually nice seeing thr author put little details like this. Cauliflower ears are common among boxers because it probably got hit during the match. [黄] ₙ ₑ ₖ ₒ
i didn’t know that was a thing :O , i’ll look into it more ! i just thought they were trying to draw the grooves inside the ear and stuff, and obviously normal grooves don’t look so puffy LOL!
I always get grossed out at his ears they look so weird