TW: Sexual Assault

Norn October 25, 2023 9:00 pm

The fact that Shane tried to force Seoha into sex with his Magical Dom Voice is gross. And then he tried to take off his gloves? Then he had the audacity to get offended?

No thank you, ma'am. This boy ain't it.

    lostikins November 2, 2023 1:01 am

    It's not a "magical Dom voice" Seoha's soul remembers his time as Shane's servant which is why he reacts the way he does.

    The thing with the gloves only became a trauma when Seoha, as Hearth, inflicted an injury on Shane which led to him being cast out of heaven. It's probably compounded with the incident that caused the scar on his sister's leg as well seeing as he couldn't grab onto her.

    Shane is only angry 'cause he's watched Seoha/Hearth touch everything but him without the gloves on. It's become a fixation and a sense of insecurity for him since he's harbored feelings of affection towards Seoha since he was a child.

    Not saying the forced touching was good or anything, but I feel like most of ya'll ain't actually paying attention to the story. Between the "we don't know what his trauma is" and "why are his gloves disappearing in some scenes" comments you can't really blame me for thinking this lol