This is not a pedo thing they're only 6 to 7 years apart in Japan the age for consent is actually pretty young and by age 16 they can get married. In other parts of the world they also allowed to date in a very young age. Plus I've read this whole manga it's wholesome there's nothing of kissing on the lips or anything.
I uploaded this because my friend can't read any other languages other than English so I wanted to help them

I agree that much is true love but keep in mind you don't have to comment to everyone who dislike this manga, your being trolled by people who if you bothered to look what they're reading you, will see they're reading nothing but rubbish. They have no right to tell you what you should do morally when obviously they're reading crap

https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/14668980/ the study is in this comment.

If you like a child than, I'm sorry they have pedophilic ideology. This woman is 20, and the boy is 13/14. No it's not pedophilic. And Styx didn't know about that manga. She would've, knowing her, pointed it out too. She saw this, and called it out. Rightfully, because it is pedophilc in nature. Skinship isn't just a thing about pedophiles, it's the nature that a grown woman is in love with a young teen boy.
~ Urah

Wtf lmao there are so many couples in the world who are 6+ years apart and they’re living happily! Which countryside do u come from that u couldn’t even see such simple thing? Infact my parents are 8 years apart and my mom gave birth to me when she was only 19 years old so r u gonna go say my dad was a pedo or sinner or what? So honestly this is the reality of world u like it or not now if u dont wanna just see the world as it is because of the bubble u made around urself then u gotta visit the doctor for delusional disorder or smth
several studies have actually shown that because of sexual violence being portrayed this way, people actually start becoming desensitised and may even come to believe (even unconsciously) that sometimes, sexual assault/rape can really lead to love/people who are sexually assaulted feel pleasure while being assaulted. for example, in the porn industry, women are usually portrayed in a way wherein they feel pleasure even though men are being rough on them, and this has actually increased the number of men and women who believe that there are women out there who like being assaulted or that even though women say no at the start, they will eventually succumbed to pleasure. so, yes, even though this is pure fiction, it actually contributes to rape culture, and it's not wrong to keep talking about it until people realises that we shouldn't just brush off stories that portray sexual assault as something normal or something that doesnt lead to grave consequence