Not every beast man stories have rape in it so when it came to the second chapter it was kinda a surprised, and the tags didn’t say rape as well so it was kinda a shocker to see rape in it. Oh and people started not liking it since the second chapter because it had raped, and yes the 1st chapter had assault but it wasn’t so extreme so people wouldn’t really care so much about it.
People also ‘complained’ in the comment section because most raped mangas hardly ever have tags that say rape so, in my opinion I like how people that type in the comment section saying that it has assault or rape it’s gives you a heads up on what your about to read. And yes it might be story but it can happen in real life, and for the people saying saying they love it or think it’s hot it’s pretty messed up, I understand that people have kinks but finding pleasure on someone being raped it’s fucked up. But if you like it, it’s your choice to read it but to fantasize about doing to someone it’s a big no no.

Now... Let me get this straight. IRL I absolutely do not condone any kind of SA or R4pe or any kind of abuse towards anyone. But right now we are talking about a fictional story. A yaoi fictional story which is is basically and crudely can be translated to male on male pornish story that was created by women to cater toward women. One of the main concept of yaoi to incorporate sex scenes into their story line is by this non-con trope. It's just one of the concept. (I can talk more about the history of the yaoi term and history itself but it would be too long)
I just don't get it why people were triggered when reading this kind of fictional story where as it is a fiction. The characters are not real. The characters there just serve as a purpose of an enjoyable guilty pleasure for a passing time. Why would people think that when a fictional story show a non-con sex scenes people would begin to normalize it in real life as well??? I mean reality and fictional can be thoroughly distinguished.
Lastly to clarify, I know that some people do not feel comfortable with this kind of non-con trope but there are people who are opposite of what you are. But are they bad or immoral just because they liked this kind of story trope or concept? I mean for what I observed the ones who doesn't like this kind of story are the ones steering toward the immorality lane as I keep seeing comments for the author to eat rocks or even worse k1ll themselves just because they made a non-con story trope where some people vehemently hate it. It's their freedom to write what kind of story they wanted to. And we as readers also have the freedom to choose what we want to read and what we don't want to. No need to lower down or hate the others who have different taste, ideology or view from you.

For once someone has said out loud what many people are thinking.
I totally agree with what you said. These are stories. They're not stories "to stick to our values". But to talk about subjects, drama, love, in short, writing has always and since the dawn of time: involved rape, violence, and even worse, murder. That doesn't mean that readers love it. I'd be so bored just reading stories that always fit my values. When you can't tell the difference between fiction and reality: stick to my little pony and don't go any further. Oh well, talking ponies may be too much...

Again, you are weird. how is r4pe a good plot point? you're literally saying if anything like that doesn't happen then you'd be bored of the story? just because it's fiction doesn't mean we can't point out how disgusting it is. you are literally reading/seeing someone getting r4ped???? and it's disgusting when stories try to redeem a rapist. so yes, i'll stick reading my fluffy and actual good representation of gay couples instead of reading those that have them seen as r4pist, murderers, manipulative.

You are weird too. I mean yaoi originally doesn't exist to represent gay cultures? It was made by women authors to women audiences. It basically just a story to fetishize male on male relationship. I mean since when women can represent a male on male relationship when they are not even in the right gender (or sex) to begin with? You don't have to stick around this kind of story if you want to look for a healthy gay couples representation tho? Remember you are weird too for wanting to demand a healthy gay relationship representative in a story that was made by author who might would not have the slightest experience of what healthy gay relationship is. If you want the representation why don't you dig a lot more to find a male author who had experience on healthy male on male relationships instead of loitering around women-made story? Since you might said I'm weird too as to why I feel okay seeing all these rapey scenes, I do know how to distinguish reality and fiction okay. No need to condemn me about normalizing r4pe or assault will ya? Not everyone want to be shove down to their throat on what they like is weird or anything because the other might be weird too.

See you are weird trying to force people to hate what you hate. Come on just accept it that you are weird trying to lower down people who are does not feel the same as you. How entitled you are to say to everyone that they are weird for liking this kind of story? I mean some people that I know is a SA survivors read this kind of story as a copping mechanism tho. Come on weirdo pfft ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I'm not sure why many people whines and complained about sexual assault's or non-con's scenes in every damn yaoi manga and manhwa. I mean this is just meant to be a story guys? Not every story need to cater to your taste and belief! If you don't like it just don't read. No need to flood the comment section. And btw for this story, it was a beastmen story. What do you expect from someone who have beast instinct? All flowery pooch story where everyone happy like that? Pfftt