Lux ass needs a job

Here For Good Smut October 25, 2023 2:11 am

He needs a job, hobby, something so he won’t just creepily stand in the dark waiting on her to come home

    TheChilliest October 29, 2023 7:41 am

    Hmmm him having a hobby/part-time job might not be bad I’m sure he’d excel at whatever he’d choose. He seemed quite good at writing back when they were taking a class together, she was surprised at his skills. A demon journalist, chef, bartender just to name a few. I think he likes making their home ready for when she returns, all the chores are done, he prepares her meals and their joint bath. I think the major problem is his unresolved trauma from his last contract partner. He stopped having nightmares when Hana began to sleep next to him and he steadily believed that he could trust again. It’s hard not seeing her secretly hanging out with Pass and being called Caligo’s contract partner as a trigger. Lux broke the biggest rule/taboo for his last contract partner…wish there was lust demon counseling or something.