This is like an upside world of storytelling

malux October 24, 2023 9:31 pm

Why the fuck the villains are those kids? All they did is tell everyone the truth. They WERE used as lab rats, and they WERE experimented on and tortured! They deserve justice! And the MC parents could be "nice" but they knew they were experimenting on orphans for the goverment, including their own son, so screw them.
Fuck the seme, he is a rapist and a bootlicker, why after all these years he hasn't searched for justice on his behalf and the behalf of others? Because he likes the privilege of being a lab rat with a chain of gold I guess

So, I'm on the villains side on this one, bye.
(Of course in the end they gonna make him do something really nasty and evil so every one is going to be like "wow so evil", but so far his cause is justified and the goverment is the real villain and everyone should be on their side!)

    Jo-di November 15, 2023 4:21 pm

    Actually the seme was doing everything he could to protect the others. He sacrificed his freedom to save yoonjae and the others because he knew he had a tracker on him. He stayed in the association to look out for yoonjae and the others. He knew what the other kids looked like what powers they had etc if he wanted to betray them he would have told the higher ups a long time ago. And the rape part isn't justified but once he came in contact with the other guide he stopped accepting the seme cuz yoonjae body became addicted to the silver hair guy and he was trying to help with the marks on him.