So because there's rape, abuse, unnecessary shitty scene means it's badly written?
I don't know about y'all but I just feel Jinx is getting more interesting and entertaining. I can't wait to see that fight lmao. We all can identify the abuse and all but the point is when readers complain continuously. Like why are torturing yourself? Using hateful comments every time an update is released is really weird you know, it's like they're low-key making this manhwa unenjoyable for others lol.
But yeah you're free to comment and complain but it just shows how unstable and impatient you are fr.

please tell me where u made that connection where i said rape, abuse, etc = bad writing. like srsly? i said people are allowed to criticize those things AND also how this story does have bad writing honey, please re-read my paragraph so you can see that. if u enjoy the story great! im not even taking about you? why are you trying to be relevant in a convo that’s not even attacking you. and fyi bad writing can be entertaining to consume
if u were really curious, i think the writing is bad for the romance aspect not because the story contains those triggering things. this story was promoted as a romance bl but we are still far from any progression of the two main characters. the plot has been interesting yes, but i don’t think it makes sense for dan to suddenly have feelings for jae based off a suggestion from the blond actor. like jae hasn’t done anything that warrants those feelings. i think u need to take a chill pill and relax a little because how does criticizing a story make some unstable and impatient? it’s literally someone’s thoughts and opinions dumbass. i know you are a little slow but some people stuck around because they’re already invested in this story and want to see where it goes. did you know being a hater to a story can also be enjoyable for a reader? u are assuming people don’t find the story interesting with isn’t true at all, why are u trying to control people’s curiosity for things especially if they’re reaction to it is negative. like let people feel things weirdo. if small comments about the content make reading un-enjoyable for you or other people, DONT READ IT THEN? or find other people who are enjoying the story and talk with them!!! you act like people can’t root for the main character but at the same time acknowledge how certain parts of this story didn’t make sense to them/they didn’t see a reason for,,, i didn’t realize you had to be told this but readers have different experiences with the story and are allowed to speak up about it especially when there’s a mf comment section bruh.

Woah… it's the fact you could also reply hatefully to my comment. Yep! You definitely are unstable.
This is the connection. “ mind your own business and find other people who enjoy this story- without telling people they aren’t allowed to hate on a story that’s badly written.“ You literally said the whole story is badly written so I just went with it because that was what your ENGLISH said.
I also didn't say you can't complain about a story. I'm just saying it's weird when you do it CONTINUOUSLY. Why in the fk hell are you torturing yourself because it's not like you could enter the story and change the things you're complaining about. Bro… you can definitely see things are getting worse lmao and you come back here every update to whine about it saying things like, “I wish Jk would die” “mingwa is crazy for writing shit like this” “godd the updates are sooo annoying…I hate this shit” “Wtf? People actually enjoy this shit?” “I can't even with this…I skip the smutty scenes because I don't feel it's consensual” “Bro what is wrong with mingwa” “It seems the author supports this type of shit irl” “mingwa needs to khs”
There is so much more I've seen. And they do this every time an update is released. There are worse I've seen but I also can't remember.
“I think the writing is bad for the romance aspect“ uhmm...if this is bad writing, then Romeo and Juliet should also be included. And don't you think what you said here is weird? Judging a book in 37 chapters? We haven't even reached Season 2…wth you even complaining about 37 chapters lmao.
“ because how does criticizing a story make some unstable and impatient?“ From the majority of the comments I've seen from July up to this point, Yes they are definitely unstable and impatient. I don't know if you've been here before but some people went to the point of telling people to kill and exterminate themselves. Someone was also bullying a rape survivor. Majority… that's why I'm generalizing it, dumbass.
“ why are u trying to control people’s curiosity for things especially if they’re reaction to it is negative” I don't know who you've been involved in the past before but you're definitely pouring out your frustration on what other users have told you. What curiosity exactly?? When will Jk this? When will Jk that? When will Dan realize this? Bro…people stopped asking those kinds of things a long time ago, and now there's no curiosity… it's just people attacking mingwa for writing this story. It's just people attacking other users for still liking Jk. It's just users complaining and complaining like they are the fk author bro. You're supposed to chill tf out fr.
Development this…development that? With JK’s personality? It definitely won't happen in this season. Do people even read bls at all bc this story is mild compared to others. Potn, development literally started in chapter 45. Legs That Won't Walk was in season 2 bro. Lol, and they are both so popular but didn't get this amount of whiny hateful users.
Omg, this is long asf, sorry about that. Anyway, I hope y'all drown with that curiosity because mingwa is gonna frustrate y'all to the core. Continue to think your complaints and hate could be heard by the author. Y'all are really hilarious! Bravo!

bro u came at me first, saying hateful things for literally no reason clearly showing your unstable mind. but when i defend myself and get on the offensive back at u, im unstable? you need help- it looks like someone can’t take what they dish out. this opinion had nothing to do with you - since i too have no clue what you are- but u decided to make it about yourself, even reaching out to me to get a reaction…
if you think this story isn’t badly written, i would’ve liked to hear that opinion as well as why you feel that way. we could’ve cleared the misunderstanding you had, but you didn’t go that route and made up a connection in my original post then decided to not only criticize me for it, but be rude. if you were confused on my wording, which isn’t surprising since you’re bad at reading, asking wouldve been okay!! but instead u created false accusations and have the audacity to call me impatient and unstable? like where did that even come from
also another assumption from you, that not liking aspects of a story = torturing yourself by reading it. take a minute to sit and think about why someone could be curious about a story’s ending, when the story is incomplete (ill tell u the answer because you’ll have a hard time thinking about it: they enjoyed other parts of the story that didn’t contain those scenes and look forward to how the story goes since the ending hasn’t happened yet). if someone is continuously complaining how is it weird… wouldn’t that make them an active reader that’s able to form critical thoughts other than praise? that’s the beauty of weekly updates, you don’t know how the story is going to go so you make comments hoping someone also felt the same way about a chapter- and guess what? majority of people do feel the same way about each chapter that comes out
and my brother in christ , why are you bringing up a legendary shakespeare tale to compare it with a mf modern yaoi with explicit sex art im SOBBING. that literally had nothing to do with our argument but i applaud the reach. and yes i do think having 37 chapters of no romance progression in romance webtoon is bad! especially if the main genre is romance! im all here for the story’s drama and believe it + the plot is well written but not the romance! that’s not judging a page by its cover, it’s called reading and dissecting almost 40 chapters!! woohoo. if u disagree with my opinion on pacing that’s a whole other story but what it’s definitely not, is me being impatient about a story that only shows rape and awful mistreatment between the main couple while not actual romance building- but that’s just me tho i guess.
and dude are u fr. u need to NOT generalize when there’s a clear distinction between threats over the internet vs criticizing a story. huge difference imo and isn’t something that can be glossed over with “people who criticize are unstable”. it’s such a weird statement to make when there are real, dangerous individuals saying those things and a bigger amount of ppl giving an opinion about a fictional story. and bruh it looks like you don’t know what a rhetorical question is but there’s a reason why i asked why people think they can control other’s curiosity. unlike you, my question was an actual general statement that emphasized that people will say what they want about a story, and if u can’t handle it stop trying to censor people’s good/bad thoughts because it’s bound to happen when there’s majority collective agreement. it’s literally not about frustration, it was me bringing awareness to how comments on this app will always happen and if u can’t handle reading them then don’t engage. people will always complain or praise webtoons things because guess what, that’s what a story is for!! to be consumed and for the audience to react
and again, you are assuming what i think development is in the story. it’s. the. romance. it’s pretty funny you mentioned those two stories, like the reason it had less complaints is basically an answer for you- IT WAS WRITTEN BETTER AND HAD COMPELLING CHARACTERS LOL. because even i agree the male leads + main characters were fleshed out way before reaching chapter 40 and we could understand and sympathize with them. when a story has only a shitty male lead and a main character that hasn’t grown at all, the content can feel lackluster or slow for some readers
and dawg these comments aren’t for the mf author u dunce, it’s for other readers to communicate and relate with one another DUHHHH. it’s a pirating website, why would readers even try to- you know what… nvm… it seems like progressive convos dont go well with you. good job on grasping at straws and trying to make a statement, it was a great way to entertain me

You're exposing yourself.
Since you're dense and unable to apprehend, our conversation will end here. Go read up on romance, you're simply looking for an excuse to hate on this and call this bad writing. I guess you must have done badly in writing an essay. You're no different from Jk for you to hate on such a story dear.
And about that other topic, I didn't even know it was you at first lol. I followed you there? Please you can be delusional but don't be stupid dear.
Continue complaining and hating on this lmao. I hope the author frustrates you to the point you can no longer complain. You're typing too much on your keyboard, your fingers are gonna roast and burn your phone. Anyway, have a nice day! And continue complaining on here without getting a job. I can't wait for more updates…imma get back to what I was doing.

LOL WHATT clearly you have problems with your thinking skills and i’ll leave you with it. i explained my perspective since u were so damn persistent on replying to me and i gave u answers to your thoughtless questions. u clearly were interested enough in me to read and reply to my own individual post, not the other way around. u cared about MY opinion and wanted my attention so it’s kinda lame how you retreat now that you have nothing to refute me with other than useless jabs lmao. please grow more brain cells and a backbone dear :(
and thank you i will!! very loud and proudly too!! you should try reading for your own enjoyment rather than dickriding authors with bad stories. your insults are so childish and dumb that it’s pathetic having to keep talking to you so i thank you once again for finally doing this one thing right in your life. don’t project that jobless behavior onto me just because you can’t read or type at my speed dear. it’s okay to admit we aren’t on the same caliber of intelligence, as you’ve made it so clear. keep filling that head of yours with shitty writing because it so badly reflects your inner struggle with lack of comprehension skills. eat away at the trash like the bottom feeder u are! praying for your recovery

Omg! I would gladly dick ride mingwa. Yasss! My baby’s doing an awesome job for real! Sad for you to assume my level of intelligence just because we couldn't agree with each other. I understand your frustration, rest dear.
Don't worry, I'll pray for you. Maybe just maybe, mingwa would open a mangago account and come to Jinx comments section, then she's gonna read and laugh at y'all whiny comments and complaints. She'll then go ahead and even make the story nastier, making your curiosities die along the way, leaving you all folks utterly expired with no hateful comments. Y'all won't probably have the mind to complain ever in your life again.
You can reply to this though…I won't answer because I know it'll just be another whiny comment. Keep up with the good work, they aren't even paying y'all for staying here everyday, day and night to hate on this. Bravo!

i can’t believe you’re still here, just move on and grow as a person. you keep saying things that don’t even make sense and if it makes you feel better, keep going i won’t be here to stop you. if you think me calling u unintelligent was because of the disagreement in how we feel about the story, i truly see why you are the way you are. i hate to break it to you but it’s not because u enjoy the webtoon, it’s because of the way you act when things don’t go your way silly goose. i cannot give less of a fuck that you enjoy bad stories but to come in here acting like people can’t view a story from a different perspective than you says a lot about your mind and how stupid it is. to repeat myself, people on this website consume the story for themselves and seeing if it relates to other reader; it’s not us hoping for the author to change the content or what they write. how are u slower than slow. complaining about a story is not that serious because it’s all fun and games, but for you to take it personally is so chronically online and insane of you tbh
you can’t complain now without bitches in your ear telling you, you can’t criticize media. when did y’all get so entitled or simple minded to think people need to stfu or wouldn’t want to see where this story goes. if their dynamic, the writing, the characters, etc doesn’t bother you, great! mind your own business and find other people who enjoy this story- without telling people they aren’t allowed to hate on a story that’s badly written. why are you annoyed that people are complaining about another rape, abuse, unnecessary shitty scene? isn’t it pretty self explanatory…