There are many chances people who straight do it with same sex out of curiosity or fun in their youth but never for long time gay person who feel that sexual orientation of their orginal partner who had previous partners only female makes them anxious and insecure that yah they are doing it with me but for how long? They can be bisexual but at the end of youth many of these straight who go for gay choose path that is acceptable in society or for their parents so gay person is insecure about these most cases -- this trope is not weird but most of authors make it happy ending while it's not in real life
Hahaha, its bcz most of the bl porn mags are from women and they want their stories to be like "gender doesnt matter, i love you woman or not" kind of bs which gays dont really believe in like in reality it is "i like you bc u are a man". Its just a romantic trope that just shows that love wins over everything lmfao
I will never get the "Oh he'll never like me because he's straight" trope in yaoi because like, my guy, he was just balls deep in your arse what do you mean lmao
He might not ever like you back, you're right, but not because he's straight????? Because he clearly isn't??????????????
Make it make sense
(I did like this manga btw)