
heavs November 27, 2016 2:46 pm

I just re read this manga and BAM! An update! Sadly, it's reaching an end soon (waiting for extra if there is any (≧∀≦)) Damn I still need more of Hiriki x Demon Endou moments~

Good job for the author and the scanlations team!

    Mimiru November 27, 2016 3:43 pm

    I hope you didn't forget the prequel? ;)

    heavs November 27, 2016 9:24 pm
    I hope you didn't forget the prequel? ;) Mimiru

    Yes I have read the prequel but I need more fluff scene between Hiriki and Demon Endou since in the prequel, Demon Endou is mostly shown to fight ><

    Mimiru November 27, 2016 10:26 pm
    Yes I have read the prequel but I need more fluff scene between Hiriki and Demon Endou since in the prequel, Demon Endou is mostly shown to fight >< heavs

    That's true...
    I hope there will be another sequel...though it wouldn't be bad if we get more chapter Honto Yajuu instead either xD

    heavs November 28, 2016 12:51 am
    That's true...I hope there will be another sequel...though it wouldn't be bad if we get more chapter Honto Yajuu instead either xD Mimiru

    Any works by this author, I'll gladly read all of them(≧∀≦)