been laughing since earlier i love FL's courage and ambition so much she's delulu (just like me) and she's also not cringy or annoying LMAO i like the ML too and he's handsome (i understand dodam) and also jaei JAEI hello this pretty gorgeous man AND when he said 'he could at least pretend to love her — i would've been good at that' I KNEW IT WAS OVAHHHH FOR ME
been laughing since earlier i love FL's courage and ambition so much she's delulu (just like me) and she's also not cringy or annoying LMAO i like the ML too and he's handsome (i understand dodam) and also jaei JAEI hello this pretty gorgeous man AND when he said 'he could at least pretend to love her — i would've been good at that' I KNEW IT WAS OVAHHHH FOR ME