Well, in the s2 or world 2, OG Aelock reincarnates, he has his memories but Klopp doesn’t (he only dreams of the first life, but thinks of it as a nightmare.). The first dream starts with OG Klopp telling how he only realized his true feelings after Aelock’s death, how he wanted to keep him by his side. He slowly goes insane, always looking out at the cabin, he even goes there thinking maybe Aelock’s there.
In this season, it will be in Klopp’s pov. Unlike s1, after being in denial of his feelings for Aelock, he pursues him. This will be a sweeter arc, after the road bumps, Aelock will actually be happier in this life, because the Klopp of this life is a really good partner. This Klopp, recognizes his shortcomings and Aelock’s fears (ptsd) so he is supportive. This arc, will answer the reason why OG Klopp is violent to OG Aelock, which is imprinting. Also bits of the first life, after Aelock died. The Klopp of this world finds about the imprinting, so he was able to rationalize it and fights it, keeping OG Aelock safe.
OG Aelock will have his closure. And have his forgiveness from his Klopp, he tells his Klopp about the first life, and gets forgiveness for it.
In s3 or world 3, it’s going to OG Klopp who reincarnates, he has his memories, but Aelock doesn’t. In this life, it will be in Aelock’s pov. The Aelock before the tragedy, so his arrogant.
They have a crazy meeting, because OG Klopp thought it was hell and assaults Aelock (blaming him for leaving him alone in the previous life. Their son hating him because he found out the truth and so on…). Scaring this Aelock, so this Aelock doesn’t fall in love with him. He actually hates Klopp. So when OG Klopp who realizes he went back in time, he pursues that Aelock… really really hard.
This arc will be conflicting because OG Klopp is still an asshole, knowing Aelock’s weakness with money, he was able to insert himself in Aelock’s life. In exchange of fixing his loses. They enter a contractual relationship, but Klopp wants the chance to pursue him as a lover. OG Klopp will see that Aelock was not the cold-hearted-noble (he remembers), that he was actually fun, cute and nice… which makes it more painful for him. They end up together, but unlike the world 2, Klopp recognizes this life as a punishment. He is always reminded how he ruined OG Aelock… when he looks at this beautiful Aelock in front of him, making him regret everything. He wishes to still see OG Aelock, his devil, the one he created, but he can only hope. He doesn’t get closure…
It’s an interesting take of regression, the two OG will never meet each other, which is better especially for OG aelock… the novel is up and translated, s2 is finished and is on world 2 side stories, if your interested. Its better than the manhwa.

Hahahahha it is a lot to take… but overall it’s a really good story. But honestly, I hate OG klopp more, especially after reading third world. Aelock wasn’t really bad, he doesn’t like violence and was actually really nice. He doesn’t like interacting with people, but he was polite, he was even in good terms with Rayfiel in that life. If OG Klopp didn’t provoke OG Aelock repeatedly by flaunting his relationship, I sometimes think he would have eventually moved on with his life.
Read it knoxt start at - ‘all again’ the translation is really good!

P.s: about Aelock I hate how weak he is I understand why but I don't like it! till his last moment he loved Klopp and saw him as a hero, a God, he never acknowledged Klopps actions as sin but punishment for his sins. Honestly I needed him to scream "have I not been through enough pain to pay for my sins." Somewhere toward the end in S1!

Hahahah I think the 3rd arc is more like the author saying Fu to Klopp honestly. His never going to be happy and his never going to forgive himself. He’ll have no closure because he might lose Aelock, again.
I’m excited for those parts to be translated. I may have missed some good stuff since I google translated the 3rd world. Have fun reading volume 2! But it gets better on volume 3! Enjoy

Yeah, I hated that too. But if you read the volume 1. He literally brainwashed himself, especially after he got back from the bottom place. He was so afraid of that place, he really submitted after. It was so sad. Also as you read the s2 volume, you can see Aelock’s fear of loneliness, losing his parents made an impact on him, made him desire any warmth he can get from Klopp. It’s sick… but I think, he was pretty gone, especially at the end. I’m not sure if omegas are affected by imprinting as well or if they are really fated pair from the start.
But OG Aelock does tell his Klopp of the second world. That meeting Klopp made him feel that he was born for Klopp. He could take any suffering for him and forgive him.
Its a novel that will make you hate the word fate… fated pairs hahaha… but be intrigued to read
Oh yeah, Klopp of the second world, found Aelock’s story of the first life about him, so horrible that he hated it. There is nothing good about it!

Sure! In the first dream, Klopp who was talking about Aelock’s death, described his painkiller addiction which was passed on their twin children. How they cry and push him, but still hold on to Klopp for attention. It would take time for them to stand on their two feet.
The second dream, let’s you see Rayfiel their omega son, angrily telling Klopp “I know his your enemy but his my only mother!”
Klopp tells him, that his mother is Rayfiel Westport, which he was name after, but his son asks him to stop the lies “if you wanted to name me after mother, you should have (Aelock)” He declares that he’ll stop using the name. And tells Klopp, he is never returning to the estate where his mother tragically died.
Klopp was so angry that he blames Aeroc again, for making him suffer. He tries to destroy the tombstone with a hammer, but their second child an alpha, stops Klopp, and gets severely wounded.
I haven’t read the IF stories. I couldn’t find it… so I’m not sure if it’s accurate. Ray (Rayfiel) finding out about Aelock because he meets Hugo. He publishes a book or an article about it.
I didn't come here to cry