Some people say Yuri is at fault for not helping his friend when he was bullied but how th...

What Ever! November 27, 2016 2:28 pm

Some people say Yuri is at fault for not helping his friend when he was bullied but how the fuck was he supposed to know? Telepathy and shit?
He ran to help when he found out. Maybe he was a bit naive but that doesn't make him evil, just a bit childish (honestly I've seen worse). Saying that about his family and him is fucked up. Would someone usually stay and help after hearing stuff like that? And I'm assuming it will come true, everyone in his family will die so obviously he will be livid.
The whole thing that he doesn't like "ugly" people is dumb of him since that's obviously too much of a generalization. Still I sympathise with him for the most part.
I'm sure he will realize that he was an asshole to his cutipie cause let's face it he definetly was and I hope he will spend his life making it up to Jaerim. And be happy together.
At least that's my point of view for now, never know how that develops till the last page and the word "End" appears.

    Shirane November 27, 2016 1:44 pm

    Yeah, you didn't know? You're supposed to become a guardian angel for your friend and just make everything right for him. If you don't cope with that and the world doesn't change into bright rainbow land for him you're a loser and an asshole.
    And it's not the bullies fault!Because, you surely could have un-bullied your friend if you just had paid enough attention!