You know, after going back and reading the first few chapters, the mc's birth must have re...

zamiac October 23, 2023 1:14 pm

You know, after going back and reading the first few chapters, the mc's birth must have really been a wtf moment for the father. He is immortal and can't have children because he doesn't have a gender, but he still fell in love with this half-elf. After giving like a 10th of his powers to her, she disappeared and even put up a barrier to keep him out. Like she really kept him in the dark about the situation and even acted cold so he wouldn't stop her. When he senses her life in danger, he comes back to see her being taken by a demon and a child crying. He loses it and send the child away. It took years for him to recover and read the letter, but since he is immoral, it was probably but mere moments to him. He was like so that was out child and the reason you needed my energy? After bringing the child back, he has the try to understand the concept of gender when he knows they both have none while also watching over a child who wanted to go see the world before properly learning how to manage their powers. He has to watch his child be kidnapped, pose as a servant, do dangerous tasks, be accused of murder, and more just to so they can explore the human world. No wonder he think the MC strange. He probably thinks what's the point of all this when you can just live a peaceful but boring life under the sea? Daughter, son, why does it matter when you don't have a gender? Changing your body to wear a dress, ok? Why you out here playing with a dragon? Why you running into danger for fun? He probably so confused.

    Tsura Sobasa November 5, 2023 1:36 pm

    Agree with everything except that the father always has been insisting on calling the MC a son even though she didn't like it and understandably identified as a female since she had been living as one in the human realm all this time. Why call her a son? He should try to be more understanding concerning that but I guess that topic is simply used as comedic relief in this story... Kinda annoying for me...

    jibooty November 5, 2023 11:38 pm

    I agree with all that, but the side of the mc also matters. She was happy and content in her life and is suddenly pulled into a world without her consent and is told about a father she never knew she had. Plus she doesn’t really get the option to return back to her home with the family that she originally grew up with and loved. Overall, I think they both have reasons to be uncomfortable and angry, but should be putting in more effort to understand each other’s sides. Also, he’s significantly older and should be able to approach the situation much more maturely than he has been.

    Tsura Sobasa November 6, 2023 11:54 pm
    I agree with all that, but the side of the mc also matters. She was happy and content in her life and is suddenly pulled into a world without her consent and is told about a father she never knew she had. Plus ... jibooty

    Indeed, absofuckinglutely! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    zamiac November 7, 2023 12:22 am
    I agree with all that, but the side of the mc also matters. She was happy and content in her life and is suddenly pulled into a world without her consent and is told about a father she never knew she had. Plus ... jibooty

    I agree with what you said and never meant to imply that the MC doesn't have a side or right to feel how she feel. She is the MC, so we will always see things from her perspective. My point was that sometimes it is easy to forget other people's perspective when you are only viewing it one way. Her father also has a perspective and his own unique experiences, and he was affected by the mother's actions just like the MC was affected by his actions. I was just listing his experience not denouncing the MC's own.

    jibooty November 10, 2023 4:27 am
    I agree with what you said and never meant to imply that the MC doesn't have a side or right to feel how she feel. She is the MC, so we will always see things from her perspective. My point was that sometimes i... zamiac

    I totally agree with yours too! I just wanted to add to it. We don’t often get to hear the parent’s perspective in these types of stories, so I really liked your analysis of itヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~