At least they don't keep screaming and dismissing comments without logic like they're superior and need to force comment threads to go their way
Compliments are nice and dandy but if it's smthg clearly stemming from ignorance then pointing it out is the least anyone could do. Unless you'd want the world to be blind for your own pride. And plus, as someone from south east Asia the word exotic never left the word bank of people when talking to me. It's not physically harming me, I know they do it unintentionally but it gets annoying as well when it sounds like I'm being tagged and specifically observed for features I can't control like I'm some specimen under a microscope. It's a different scenario from just being called beautiful. The word exotic magnifies how the person register you as a foreign decorative object above who you are as a stunning individual. And it's not just for white people calling other races. I do not encourage anybody, regardless of race or language to use words like these. I'm not going to force anyone but a reminder should suffice. plus the only way you can argue back is to disapprove (with logic and facts) that using words for animals and fruits and objects on humans is bad. If not, let it go, you're just upset.
I'm not upset at all, I just don't understand how a term that can easily be used in any way (positive, neutral and bad) is automatically stamped as bad per default. That's all.
But I'm not here to argue anyway. Just to try and understand why people feel the need to start SJW threads on a perfectly fine piece of fiction. That's all.
"The word exotic magnifies how the person register you as a foreign decorative object above who you are as a stunning individual."
No, that's exactly true. Exotic is not a racist or object-based term, it's a term that is used to describe anything that is not from the same nation/area, especially when it comes to us humans. Models and actors are often called exotic and in that business it is not a bad term, it is a compliment seeing as the market really enjoys seeing models other than those of 'average' european origin. And models use that knowledge to their adventage to climb up the ladder in showbiz.
Offense is taken, not given.
So it really is just a matter of whether you want to see something positive or if you want to see something as negative by default.
God. Exotic is for objects. It's not used on humans. It's not being deemed as inappropriate. It is inappropriate. It's not a term that is derived from a history of using it on people. It started with its use on objects and animals. Google exotic and the searches do not describe people. Google some more and you will find that exotic is accepted to be a rather problematic word.
"Offense is taken, not given."
You have a point but that depends on what the other person is giving. If someone gives you crap without realizing it, would you not tell the person and make the person believe that They can give crap. At the very least no one should be complaining about pointing it out.
"Models and actors are often called exotic and in that business it is not a bad term"
You forget that there are models that don't like that word. Exotic means to them that there is always a norm for the accepted beauty standard and that they will always be the "other" and will never reach the same position as the people who look like the norm. That they will be judged based on how unusual they look and behave on the outside as if like a specimen in a cage.
When u call someone exotic it's like you are saying that you and those who look like you are the accepted norm and they are not.
"It's not being deemed as inappropriate. It is inappropriate."
That is 100%ly false. Even if you don't like that
You can ask right about anyone that is not a retarded SJW and pretty much anyone will either not mind or take it as a compliment even.
Why don't you search for the word in an online dictionary? You'll see that the explaination is literally only positive towards the person it describes.
I live in a multi-culti city and I hear that term often and there are either "oh, ok." responses or people thank the other for the compliment.
"If someone gives you crap without realizing it"
That right there is exactly what makes SJWs so annoying. If you CHOOSE to hear something offensive in a harmless comment, then that is your problem. Don't blame the other person for your interpretation of what they said.
Because, if we run by that logic you could find literally anything offensive. No matter what it is. Even the giggling of a little baby. It just depends on your mindset and mood in the moment you hear/see it.
"You forget that there are models that don't like that word. Exotic means to them that there is always a norm for the accepted beauty standard and that they will always be the "other" and will never reach the same position as the people who look like the norm. That they will be judged based on how unusual they look and behave on the outside as if like a specimen in a cage."
No, really, no. XD Exotic has the exact opposite meaning unless you do have the intention to twist it into an insult (which doesn't work since most people understand what the term actually means).
Exotic is used for people who are beautiful, above the norm. Praising them for their beautiful eyes, often tan skin colour and other gorgeous features. (Again, look it up in a dictionary, I recommend Urban Dictionary).
The term probably came to be because of 'white people' finding the women and men of other nationalities more beautiful than the 'beauty standard' of their own nationality.
There is no harmful intention to the word itself as it is. But yes, it CAN be twisted to an insult. Tho I think that would sound more like sarcasm in the end than an actual insult since the positive meaning of the word is known world wide.
Of course, the positiveness of things has gone downhill in general after all the things SJWs and Feminazis have done in the past year. (Aka, looking at a girl is rape, handcuffing/arresting someone is assault, etc.)
You really shouldn't listen to everything Tumblr SJWs are telling you. The terms rape, racism, sexism, misogyny, equality and a few others have completely lost their true meaning because of the lies and hypocrisy of SJWs and "Feminists" in the last 2 years.
Which explains why the term racism showed up in the comment threads even tho there is no racism in the manga as it is.
You really shouldn't listen to your anti sjw bullshit either. You're just here not because you want to intelligently discuss and argue my points. You're here for a cat and dog fight, starting off with a straight off offensive attacking the being and not the idea. A crude and disgusting low trick used to rally for more people to crow along and bite at other's observations and analysis that no one forces upon others. Nope. How you started out even though you came late showed me you came with the "I am anti sjw and therefore everyone who actually cares to express out their idea will be deemed as sjw and stomped to the ground like they're unfavorable and terrorists. A common strategy which i see in crows who just want to get laid. In case you didn't realize, I'm using anti sjw terms. You guys use derogatory terms like its part of your cult. You're the real nazis. Nothing to do just bite bite bite bark bark bark. Any imput? Nope. just shout shout shout. No logic involved. No articles, no supporting evidences in the foot note. Am I supposed to whole heartedly revere your words just because you said not really? Hop along little kitten, stick to your yarn ball.
Edgy hypocritical anti sjw is edgy hypocritical. Go back to your red YouTube hellhole. When anti sjws are flooding their hate over a group they mass termed as sjw more than actual sjw imput. We get it, now stop your brainless rants when there's nothing worth you're really gonna say. They hide under the anti sjw name as an excuse to savagely spout worthless garbage.
I have to say, YOU are not someone to have an intelligent arguement with in the first place. Your reply, full of insults and stupidity just proved that.
You have proven serveral times in the comments section, in replies even, that YOU are the one out for a fight and that you can not deal with people trying to educate you or deliver you knowledge of things you could easily research yourself. IF you had interest in uch things. It's simply not easy to shut someone up that you don't like. Deal with it.
Besides, it's awfully nice of you to prove that all you and your friends can do is insult and badmouth others. And of course that you are so awfully half-cocked and have a really big thing for snap judgement. ^^
Also: "No articles, no supporting evidences in the foot note.".
If you lack the ability to type something into google, pick up a book or similar things, that certainly is not my problem.
I prefer to test someones ability to research instead of using CollegeHumor, MTV or Tumblr posts as 'proof' for what I say, as you and your friends do.
Congrats on the self-ownage!
I see the little snowflakes are triggered by this manga lol
anyways 10/10 would read again