Five stars until … the end was terrible.

Laeana October 22, 2023 10:06 pm

This was a 5 stars … until the story went fast forward of several years, eight actually. I never like time skip, I really really not like them but eight years ? Well fuck the story is wasted for me already. Why would you do that ? Why would you waste the entire ending when the story was tagging along fine as it was ???? Then he comes back with changed hair, scars etc and im like uhhh who are you sir ? And it feels like they never get any closure in terms of conversation and about yeah why did you leave, some time of forgiveness etc. The extra chapter where he gets turned into a girl honestly has nothing to do here, bring nothing to the story and like YO IF I WANTED TO READ STRAIGHT STUFF I WOULDNT BE READING THIS and yeah it’s shonen ai and yes it was to be expected but the fact there wasn’t even a kiss was just the last straw…
