There's a manga written by a cannibal/rapist called Issei Sagawa documenting his own vicious crimes, but it's near impossible to find an online version.Closest thing you can find is this translated website, but... Sly
I've seen many video essays on the issei sagawa case, the entire situation is so strange
Since everyone has already recommended Nishin Masumi's work, I'll recommend something different. It's short, not super gorey, a little bizarre and confusing, but you can't help but keep reading:https://www.mang... pigglypoof
I've read killing stalking and heard about pearl boy, is it really that disturbing? ...
This is just my opinion. I think there are some who liked it but not me. The characters are suffering so bad, I think they are in a bottomless pit of sadness and despair. My tolerance for red flags in manga/manhwa are questionable and Pearl Boy hit the roof my tolerance level.
I'm bored so rec me the most messed up/horrible thing you've ever read