Cheating is disgusting for both genders let me get that clear! But these two have been married only by law and law only. They never were a real couple. Not having much conversation with each other, Serena even hated him for multiple reasons and they never even did they you know what. Like strangers but married. So this girl who was absolutely lonely relied on that guy Frederick who he also betrayed her. So that’s why like the other comment said I kinda give this a pass (yes even if the cheater was a guy I would have had the same opinion). Now tho they have become obviously way closer than before and we start seeing their relationship develop to a romantic one. Which is why I don’t get why people were hating on Serena that much. Like people she was basically forced to marry him and hated him… Anyways I’m rooting for them!!

Thanks for taking the time to explain to me! i agree that cheating is never ok no matter the gender. And in the situation that you explained, seems to me that this is still somewhat justified. It's only a real problem if the MC is actually romantically engaging with her husband but decided to cheat with her guard for reasons. But seems like the end game couple is her husband after all? once the misundestanding is resolved? :D

You are very welcome! Yes that would absolutely be a problem cause that’s what I call cheating!! From the looks of it they are the end game but I can’t say if this manhwa has a happy or a tragic end… I think it’s worth reading cause we can actually see their character development which is very interesting especially Serenas :)

It wasn't enough reason to justify cheating from the person you're married to who has been protecting your name behind your back. Serena never tried seeking the truth nor working on her shortcomings until the later time and just like her husband said, she was busy attending parties and busying herself in her room with her lover meanwhile the husband she loathes so much has been working hard to save her lifeline of a hotel and her dignity as a woman. Serena might be strong but she's never admirable and whatever the circumstances are, her seeking comfort in another man's bed is never justifiable when her husband who's also in the same boat never once laid in another woman's bed nor looked their way. This is like saying "I would also seek comfort with another man without even trying to know who my husband really is and what his intentions are and just relying on my clouded judgement". It's absurd.

Omg thanks for providing this perspective. It really paints her in a different light. It's very hard for me to like a character that doesnt see the help she's been provided. I was under the impression that both husband and wife doesnt like each other thus its somewhat understandable for her to find comfort somewhere but it's really shitty that she didn't see what her husband have done for her.

The wife doesn't like the husband, the husband doesn't cater to his wife nor care about her feelings. The wife goes out parading her lover to parties to somewhat bring shame to her husband's name, meanwhile the husband does not let people talk bad behind his wife's back nor let people insult his wife in front of him. A cheating wife and a husband who condone it. They're getting along quite fine recently and the wife has cut off her sexual relationship with her lover but still, as a reader, the feeling of the husband now thirsty over his wife that he's let someone eat to his heart's content for two years still lingers and it's not a good feeling lol. I don't recommend this tho tbh and if I were to reco, it would be better to read Black Winter with much better art and a milestone better plot (it made me cry lol) written/drawn by the same author.

This is our POV and for Serena who I said before was an arrogant selfish lady who was forced into this marriage by her grandmother thinking that the husband was taking advantage of her fortune. It’s still a loveless non consent marriage for Serana who was a broken child who sought love from unfortunately, unmoral conditions. She never tried to even get to know him and he also didn’t bother. I mean this marriage was beneficial for both sides but still loveless. Her cheating didn’t hurt him cause he clearly didn’t care what it did tho was ruin her reputation as a woman and wife. You can’t be hurt by a cheater if you don’t even love them. And I bet he also had his reasons for agreeing into this marriage. Let’s not forget that he is also older and more mature than her. He learned to cope with his feelings with past relationship etc. But she is still learning and I find this a wonderful character development.

You're right. These are my exact thoughts. She could have been feeling threatened and what not, but her relationship with Frederick should have been strictly professional. Why did she sleep with him? It was not needed at all. Right?
She could have been a moral person, but she didn't uphold the dignity of her marriage and even her ownself.
Think whatever you want, but nothing justifies her cheating in any sense.

After reading the other comments I do agree that it does leave a bad taste in my mouth to learn that she decided to be in a sexual relationship with the guard she hired when she dont have to be. I think it would be easier to accept if her husband have a sexual relationship with someone too but this was not the case. I think it also worked against her to be in a relationship with someone else especially when she is married even if its only a marriage of convenience.
I dint mind spoilers but could anyone explain to me wat the MC did? Like what cheating etc and if its serious or not? And who will she end up with? Trying to decide if i wanna read this or not thanks!