This is more of a PSA

Tang ina? October 21, 2023 7:35 pm

Hello odd thing to put up but I’m deleting my account because I’ve had an unhinged amount of harassment directed my way because of these people and I think at this point it needs to be known who they are for other’s safety

you’ll see where it started it was from a topic in jinx

and they’ve been harassing me in topics ever since

they’re specifically these people

these two seem reason to believe this is their friends or alt accounts of their’s

I think some of you have seen them, they're the people in the jinx BL defending that it isn’t rape and that it’s consensual

I just couldn’t take it they’ve been finding me in topics I interact with to speak to me again or hell even topics I don’t interact with to call me a fucking bully

I just hope this doesn’t happen too any one else, to think the first time I comment on a BL I get bullied off the website

I hope you all stay safe out there!✿

    Piña Colada October 21, 2023 7:45 pm

    Props to you for speaking up!!

    Bitches October 21, 2023 7:57 pm

    God I’m sorry that happened to you :((

    Lian October 21, 2023 8:02 pm

    girl just block them i mean no one should be bullied of this site it's really not that deep

    gros batard October 21, 2023 8:06 pm

    omfg the same thing happened to me. they literally dm’d me with multiple accounts saying i should apologize and that they’d unblock me if i did who the fuck do they think they are LMFAO, people like that are creatures i’ll NEVER UNDERSTAND <- manhwa. my account wont get restricted

    HELPMELMAO October 21, 2023 8:07 pm

    just block them, believe me ive gotten into argument with those same individuals more than anyone if anything, they are literally just trolls, they wont stop at nothing - it aint that deep, your in the winning side anyways - dont delete your account bc of something so shitty, do your best to ignore them. everyone knows they are in the wrong, just dont interact w them at all, ive done that and theyve gotten embarrassed and stoped speaking w me.. but it started again, i just troll around w them and waste their time. its okay girl

    pigglypoof October 21, 2023 8:14 pm

    So sorry you have to resort to this. These people have zero accountability. They claim they've been bullied while simultaneously sending their friends to bombard and harass others who have differing opinions from them. Even their own "evidence" shows that they attack bystanders who aren't even speaking about them. They're hypocrites.

    gyumilkers October 21, 2023 8:14 pm

    heyy idk if its u but ur name here is v similar to my irl friend but anw so sorry that they keep harassing u 24/7 n they def deserve the callout but like atp u cant rlly win an argument on those ppl who cant get it thru their head tho i suggest creating another acc or as prev commenter said just block them ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Olizaolijf October 21, 2023 8:53 pm

    after reading this i think that group is provoking people on purpose for there own entertainment because they have nothing else to do with there life but yhea you will always have such poeple on the internet. and reacting on ther comments is just making it worse they wil not "change" there mind (who knows even if they believe in what they say for real and not for the sole purpose to provoke).
    but its really shitty that there that childish.

    tatiisok October 22, 2023 9:17 pm

    girl fuck them. they’re probably some middle age weirdos with no future or partner. block and move on. don’t let them run you off a site.

    Silent Lucidity October 22, 2023 9:18 pm
    omfg the same thing happened to me. they literally dm’d me with multiple accounts saying i should apologize and that they’d unblock me if i did who the fuck do they think they are LMFAO, people like that a... gros batard

    So the dm thing wasn't just happening to me. Good to know

    erwins eyebrows October 22, 2023 9:37 pm

    Deleting your account because of trolls is absurd

    Morning Diamonds October 22, 2023 10:18 pm

    Unfortunately, She is the troll, like most of you are.
    hook. line. sinker.

    This is where this “drama” starts. I did assume who Blue was talking about because I think this only fits one situation, but Blue is lying about it. This was a trap to have drama for Tang to be an enforcer. As she has been trying to:
    There were two others. I can’t find them. I am overlooking them or they have been removed after I said we have seen the traps.
    Here we decided to correct the lie and say it is over as the fake drama cult are being desperate for our attention.
    She wrote this topic:
    I attacked no one. Yes, people need to stop attacking people. She needs to stop changing people into the story. People are not books. Blue changed what happened and what he said. That is wrong just to attack him publicly. Their conversation happen in the a DM. That is dishonest and impolite.
    We don’t want to interact with people like Tang ina? Or HML OR JoJo or even one from the fake drama cult that can’t communicate. They don't get it they are forced to have only Jinx account due to the fake drama cult. Tang Ina changed everything we are standing for. We defend people. She said. “I’m going to start taking screenshots from that first fight you ever started and start proving you’re just looking to fight” Which is a lie we don’t want a fight and never started one. If it did it was by mistake or did not understand what would happen. It was not their intentions. They have since the beginning said they want civil conversations.

    So, with her threat. I fixed an old topic; we knew she knew about it since Oct 1. She came on there chasing me. Then back on Blue’s comment, she made a threat. She even said “This is a threat.” I countered. She made this topic with lies,
    She was hostile and being a tyrant. We tried to work it out with her. She said to leave her alone. I was going to ask two people their opinions. Tora and TM has turned away from this. They are finished. I was going to ask LayLights and MangaSan.. Was this fake drama or was this a chance for a real conversation? I am tired of the abuse. I don’t know how Tora and TM endured since July. But TM thought it was a misunderstanding and he trying to communicate with so many of you. He did not know there a fake drama cult messing with him over a lie. I did not know to approach someone who hated us and she wanted to have no contact with us. She did not know us. No one does. Was that a chance to smooth this over and have a civil conversation? I guess for how the fake drama cult is lying about her departure we have the answer it would have been more fake drama.
    Besides trying to work it with her or saying leave me alone we have AVOIDED her. WE HAVE BEEN AVOIDING HER because of her TOXIC HOSTILE CRAZY BEHAVIOR. NO ONE STALKED HER. She is NOT a victim. SHE THREATENED to use the calling outs, mock bullying, the overwhelming misstated statements of having 30 or more cult members messing with you over their own lie, and trying different methods to get the cyberbullying to stop against a few people. TANG INA? IS NOT THE VICTIM!

    Morning Diamonds October 22, 2023 10:30 pm

    Silent Lucidity. Yours was a misunderstanding. It was just a natural conversation with you. shrug. Too bad you assumed things.

    We are not trolls. We tried to work things out with her many times. We avoided her. she harassed us.

    TM never talked to her.
    Tora has been avoided her since the 1St besides the call out.
    I have been avoided her since she blocked me because to work things out with her.

    We don't know who Roaman is. We have repeatedly said we are not defending jinx. They have repeatedly said they would not make a new account and take to Jinx. As they want peace.

    IF you read the last link she posted... it is use trying to work it out with her. My last comment to her was to work it out with her.

    Morning Diamonds October 19, 2023 4:01 am
    Hello Tangina? How are you? I hope you are good.

    We would appreciate it if you stop calling us mf. We would appreciate it if you stopped inciting that we fight you tooth and nail when it was you attacking us as we protested and defended from your attacks. How did we fight you tooth and nail when we did not talk to you? Tora has been avoiding you since the 1st, Tmsm I don't think replied to you. This is like my 4th or 5th. They avoided you for the most part. I think Rose was the one talking to you about how hostile you were. The boys have endured attacks since July and have turned away from people attacking them. They would not fight you.

    I did too besides a few comments. None of us are "one of them" because you are not talking about the real us. You don't see the real us.
    We have no power over you. so you can delete your topics. We never even any incited if we were mad. We actually prefer it if you did delete them but you can leave them up and continue to show it is you who attacked people and tried to get people to gain up on three people and tried to suppress others' voices over nothing but your agenda against a few people who did nothing. They are harmless. You attacked innocent caring people.
    Actually, we would prefer if you to start having civil conversations with us instead of spreading lies. There is no group. There is no drama group but the ones ganging up on a few people. Please stop saying unnecessary things to cause more drama and trying to cause more damage to their character. They don't deserve what you did to them. They actively avoided you. You never even realized. You are the "drama club". We are not mad. Your hate is not returned. We don't hate you or hold grudges. Let's bury the hatchet or live in hate over people who don't exist that you are imposing on a few people that you don't know. Either way please stop lying. Remove your topics if you want. We have no power there. Have a good day.

    SHE IS A LIAR! She did this on purpose trying to run us off the site.

    aya_yukk October 22, 2023 10:40 pm

    The fact that they are harassing a real human over a fictional character. Talk about being hypocrite

    Morning Diamonds October 22, 2023 10:46 pm
    after reading this i think that group is provoking people on purpose for there own entertainment because they have nothing else to do with there life but yhea you will always have such poeple on the internet. a... Olizaolijf

    You have it backwards.
    Read that. It is a massive group ganging up a few people.

    Rose was not careful and she was cyberbullied. Besides me and Rom? whatever. We a few people we defended Rose, a rape survivor. Some spread a lie on them because everyone tried to force a pov vs pov on them. It got messy. That massive group has ganged up on one person at times who has been confused as to why they are being attacked on a lie. Hate grows and grows. You are judging the defenders of real people who have defended people from this massive group from attacking people from having different opinions. This person was an alt that hated them and this was trying to get them off the page with lies that you brought. Pigglypoof and HELPMELAMO are from that massive hate group that lies about them. HELPMELAMO as told them to go kill themselves.

    I am an exterior pov. I joined to try to get their account not to be jinx only account. This group makes them have jinx only accounts to try to force them off Jinxs.

    Sounds like they should restore what they damaged instead. Why keep making it worse?
    this person has been asking for it to stop and avoiding them for over a month. they share information and talk about Jinx. they are not allowed to have an opinion on Jinx. They get slammed into a box. You are describing the massive group that is after them. This was a tactic to defame them more. They are a few people. The massive group has more people who has more people and can be louder. She threatened us here. You should read this. what she is talking has been over.

    aya_yukk October 22, 2023 10:46 pm
    The fact that they are harassing a real human over a fictional character. Talk about being hypocrite aya_yukk

    ah nvm ignore this above reply I misread the og post. Idk what i'm writing I need to sleep ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

    Morning Diamonds October 22, 2023 10:50 pm
    The fact that they are harassing a real human over a fictional character. Talk about being hypocrite aya_yukk

    She would make it that but it is never been that. If you read anything. They defend real people. People like her make people, fictional characters. They dehumanized people.

    pigglypoof October 22, 2023 11:09 pm
    ah nvm ignore this above reply I misread the og post. Idk what i'm writing I need to sleep ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ aya_yukk

    You read it right. Morning Diamonds is part of the group that would not stop bothering Tang. Despite the fact that Tang apologized for how crazy their original thread became, the group refused to stopped naming Tang in threads that Tang was not even apart of. They would post links to Tang's comments so their friends could go and harass Tang. Created alts to continue harassing Tang once they were blocked. Their little posse will never acknowledge their own wrongs in the stupid drama over there. You can see them in this very thread continuing to defend and excuse their actions.

    HELPMELMAO October 22, 2023 11:12 pm

    crazy morning diamonds is jst another damn alt of tora chan roses tmstsystsm n whoever the fuck else is in this cult

    Morning Diamonds October 22, 2023 11:20 pm
    ah nvm ignore this above reply I misread the og post. Idk what i'm writing I need to sleep ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ aya_yukk

    Porky and HLP are from that massive hate group. they forced a group together. I am exterior view. I am friends with Tora. We avoided Tang. Tora apologized to Tang. Tang never did. They are lying to you. No one harassed Tang.
    Tora and TM were forced to have their accounts to be jinx only. Why would they make alts to have them jinx only? They have not being doing much of anything since September 14.

    The massive always created drama see above. I am defending with the truth.
    The massive group is the cult that has it out for a few little people. I am not alt. I am a friend. They are mad they were wrong and they are defaming innocent people. They are forcing them off the page. Now off the site but they can make new accounts and these trolls will never know who they are. They are lying to you.