MangaGo Star Rating

MapleMatryoshka October 21, 2023 4:04 pm

How do you use the rating system on an individual/personal approach?

Ratings are important to me, cause I enjoy revisiting things I’ve read before. I found that this approach the most helpful, instead of being a critic, without thinking too hard lol

: there’s something that I hate about this
: there’s something I dislike about this
: rather neutral, mixed bag, unsure, meh
: there’s something that I like about this
:there’s something I love about this

Really want a zero for killing recs, and 6 star for boosting recommendations.

    Jas-uwu-n :3 October 21, 2023 4:24 pm

    For me, I definitely don’t think I’m doing it right but I typically just do 5 star ratings for the boosting recommendations. The jump between 4 and 5 stars seems too drastic for me, with 5 stars basically rating it a 10.0 and 4 stars rating it a 8.0, so I typically leave my normal 4 star ones with no rating to not drop the rating if that makes sense. I only rate 4 stars if I really do think they are like a 8.0 rating, but overall, I usually do 5 star or no rating. Very rarely do I do anything below that because I probably dropped it before even getting that deep into it.

    It’s not the worst approach either because when going back and looking at my lists, I know which ones that stood out to me and really enjoyed because they made me want to boost them and give them a 5 star rating :D

    Hibou October 21, 2023 4:37 pm

    I rarely rate, and Always 5*.
    The problem is that when you look at the average, below 9.1 is "bad".
    And many stories with 9.1-9.4 don't deserve it.
    So I only rate the 8-8.9 that the idiots sank because it's different or the 9.5+ which are really, really good.

    Homotter October 21, 2023 4:37 pm

    i usually put one star when i think there is something genuinely twisted about it like cp or proship stuff, and 5 stars when i think it deserves the world. no in between lol