I get caught up by the story but annoyed at the same like the plot is kinda good but the p...

Anyone October 21, 2023 12:50 am

I get caught up by the story but annoyed at the same like the plot is kinda good but the phase is terrible bruh, wtih so much unecessery gang raped so much that i have to skip 4/5 chapter until to the point that is importang, and the aurthor dragging this story too much with rape like i get it to show how awful and torturoues his life is but it still have a need for a bit characther and story development to the story like for the mc. It always the same shit happen over and over to summarize (a high end men lust over the mc, and grey hair arrange antertaiment for them and keep throwing mc to the sex abuse and protitution and raped him again after mc done with client, mc got depressed looking ml for comfort that make them relationship and consiouness be more aware. Keep repeating of regretness bc of danger that it might cause. Repaeat. Until something different happen, ml finally decided something and get crushed again by the grey hair and mc becoming cold again bc of him in danger. Back to square one AGAIN).

It woulve been better if the story focus more on the mc secretly TRYING to found any of these animal men weakness and expose them to the ground to be finally free by pertending of being a doll just like they wanted (i mean he can bc he smart enough to be numb and control his emotions to be emotionless and cold), instead of making him being A LITERARLY A RAG DOLL that keep repeating regret and wanting to go back to the past and having him a power hole who can take anyone dicks. I get that bc of his trauma that everytime being rape and drug his mind become clouded and only think of a good time to keep his sanity and keep going BUT UNTIL WHEN? He already show his will to live and change, so how come for 8 years he still want to be their doll i dont get it. And i dont get why korean BL authors are into so much angst and raped
