I dont understand how that is supposed to be ironic or whatever point youre trying to make, you can criticise something or a character while still enjoying the story. You dont have to endorse the rape and abuse aspects to read it, anybody can dislike the rape and still read the story. What was the point you were trying to make?

Im not attacking you at all man, so what youre saying is that instead of criticising the manhwa people should stop reading? If you dont like criticism dont read the comment section, if you prefer everything to be positive when theres an unlikable character and a problematic troupe you need to get your head out of lala land.
The comment section is here for people to talk, stop trying to police peoples opinions when you dont like them. Just because this site is illegal doesnt mean we're not allowed to express our opinions. Crazy how you think people are supposed to keep their mouth shut and not criticise something just because they cant afford content. If someone doesnt like rape they dont have to read it thats true, that doesnt mean they cant comment on it.
Youre free to talk here but just because im challenging the point youre trying to make doesnt mean im trying to attack you, victim complex .

Still with the victim complex im so sorry for coherently replying to you and pointing out the clear logical fallacies in your point? You still think im attacking you and cant reply to the actual important part of what i was saying. Im not trying to harm, threat or humiliate you, im challenging the basis of your point and pointing out the issues. I havent used harmful or abusive words i said you have a victim complex for automatically assuming someone questioning your opinion is an attack.

Not at all, Im pointing out the fact that even if people read this theres nothing wrong with them criticising the story. Theres nothing wrong with you expressing your opinion but you cant expect me not to point out the clear logical fallacies in it, i dont have to agree with you. You still havent responded to me highlighting that in my long comment. Youre just trying to discredit me without giving an actual response, ad hominem.

Man if you really don't mind about other ppl opinion you've should just let me be dawg. but instead you kept on pointing "WHY CAN'T PPL COMMENTS ON HERE" gurl if you're a writer or a mangaka and then ppl suddenly post your work on illegal site and at the same time all ppl on the illegal site saying bad things about your work without even paying for it. what would you feel about it? Good?, Wasn't we supposed to be greatful that it posted on here?

Red herring, this isnt the point of our conversation. I said you have the right to express your opinion, i dont like your opinion though and im criticising it. Also, leave you be? What am i doing that is bothering you so much, disagreeing with you? Youre assuming that im attacking you, mocking me by saying "youre soo right" and then trying to discredit my points through my character without actually responding to what im saying. You can have an opinion, i can point out if its illogical, which it is since the whole thing is a logical fallacy.
I dont have to pay to point out shitty things about a story, if im an author and people are pointing out issues with my story and they are correct then whether it hurts my feelings or not is my problem because i cant handle criticism. Im greatful that the translator is posting here but im still criticising this because i have freedom of speech. This is irrelevant though.
Youve made it clear you cant handle an opinion that opposes your own, im not going to harass you. Continue this conversation if youd like, you dont have to, this isnt trying to hurt you or anything but your opinion is illogical and entitled because you think people dont have the right to express their own opinion if its something negative or if its criticism.
Thats why i replied to your comment, freedom of speech is what we all have but play stupid games win stupid prizes, you made a bad point.

Im not harrasing anybody, youre feeding me a massive nothing burger i reply once to a comment and suddenly its harrasment? Oh please do show how ive repeatedly sent malicious messages to multiple people in order to cause them harm. The irony here is that OP was the sensitive one but you were too busy blinding glazing to realise they were in the wrong. What do i need help for lol?
Y'all be saying about rape and stuff but still come here at the end of the day