Israeli people are jewish so lets carpet bomb them, kill and kidnapped MUSLIM girls, kidnapp people from Thailand and Europe, rape girls, and kill 1200 people just cuz and how DARE they fight back, of course their who did this wont have any consequences and israel wont fight back, what an amazing plan! :)
What did u think would happen? Israel would say thank you for bombing us and do nothing? REGARDLESS OF HISTORY, the palestinians fucked around and now they find out, its as if they bombed israel first? Oh wait… they did. AGAIN, who attacked first when we WERE IN A CREASEFIRE? I am asking you? Like realistically what did u think would happen After attacking one of the worlds largest militaries? They would say oh my bad just wanted to kill a few jews :) you cant try to kill me back though cuz we’re innocent people who TOTALLY didn’t get thousands of rockets from Iran, guns, tunnels, missiles, and drones :)

@lanaloaf is a little bitch who cant even turn on her comments so I could reply - how pathetic
Ur a disgusting muslim who disrespected Allah and the Quaran! Have u read the quaran bc it doesnt look like it with ur dirty mind. The quaran literally mentions israel mulitipe times - EDUCATE URSELF, ur just a pro-rapist and pro-terrorist liar
By saying Allah doesn’t recognize Israel you are comming a sin.
It literally says in Surah Al-Ma'idah 5 - 20/ 21
YUSUFALI: Remember Moses said to his people: "O my people! Call in remembrance the favour of Allah unto you, when He produced prophets among you, made you kings, and gave you what He had not given to any other among the peoples. O my people! Enter the holy land which Allah hath assigned unto you, and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin."
Dont ever lie in Allahs name! Or call him a liar!

Jerusalem was for all three Abraham religions. Muslim people didn’t drove them out of their homeland. It’s crazy how your defending this when Jewish people went thru the holocaust and what they’re doing is equivalent. It’s not even religion it’s self, it’s the government that is bad. Please use ur brain and stop dividing the Abraham religions.
Ending the chapter with the "you don't need to be Muslim to stand with Palestine" the uploader has my respect