Gyulcat October 20, 2023 8:16 pm

Ending the chapter with the "you don't need to be Muslim to stand with Palestine" the uploader has my respect

    Hihi October 22, 2023 3:41 pm
    Don't need to here it from a muslim.Jerusalem used to be home to Armenians, Christians and Jewish people, Muslims drove them out of their homeland. So don't talk about human decency with me, when muslims commit... Alex

    exactly tell em Alex! They are uneducated and insecure children! Who are miserable and need someone to hate except themselves

    Hihi October 22, 2023 4:12 pm

    @Lanaloaf why don’t you turn your on replies you fucking pussy? Ae you too insecure too do that - boo hoo shouldn’t have opened your FILTY mouth in first place. TURN them on

    Do you lack reading comprehension? Where the fuck did I say I want innocent civillians and children to die? Where did I say chidlren are raping people can you not read? are you stupid LMAFO? I AM A INNCOCENT CIVILLIAN! I am arab-Israeli - so who are you to tell me I DESERVE TO DIE? WHY? Israel pays for my school, food, and are always civil to me a MUSLIM - yet when I got to the west bank and show my identification I get looks and I get threats from the Palesitnans MEN on how they are going to rape my sister and chop my head of for being mixed.

    PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME? it not also “basic human” decency for INNOCENT ISRAELI and AMERICAN and EUROPEAN children that were kidnapped, lost their families, and were killed by Palestinians and Hamas? What about them? WHY DIDN'T YOU INCLUDE THEM? YOU RACIST! What about the innocent israeli volunteers that died trying to help palestians last week and tried to get them supplies but were killed by HAMAS?

    I AGREE - Exactly no one should be fucking bombed but I WAS BY hamas since I was a child and my friends died in KINDERGARDEN. IT IS ME - I AM AN INNOCENT CHILD THAT IS GOING TO BE KILLED BY HAMAS! YOU KNOW NOTHING of how it feels to have a bomb explode by you? SCREAMING code red everyday! Bc all you want to be is a keyboard warrior and scream while me and my family are actually in shelters and having to live through this. AGAIN DO OUR LIVES NOT MATTER AS WELL? your fucking RACIST taking as if the other side isn’t dying as well. BOTH SIDES ARE, me included.

    YET How come you never mentioned all the Israeli and AMERICAN children and girls that were raped?American children and people that died, and people from all over the WORLD that were killed BY HAMAS. THREE HUNDRED people died a music festival! A FUCKING MUSIC festival. WTF did those innocent tuoirst and cillvians do to YOU? I AM ASKING YOU? SINCE if you support hamas and palestinan then you support MURDERING CHILDREN and PEOPLE as long as they are not muslim - but newflash they fucking ARE. There were muslims and PALESTIANS at that concert!

    @Lanaloaf WHAT ABOUT THE 500 plaestians children that were killed at a hospital BY HAMAS this week? and don’t give me that BULLSHIT that its debunked because you can see videos of the rocket being shot from within gaza and if you took one basic physics class you would see that it was indeed coming from inside gaza.

    Hihi October 22, 2023 4:23 pm
    Reply to LanaloafSince you seem so upright who started this time? Where were you when Hamas was burning infants and raping woman? In islam you can't be a queer and alive you simply get killed, read Quran. and f... Alex

    exactly these privlleged pussys can't even go outside wihtout having a panic attack lmafo

    Hihi October 22, 2023 4:24 pm
    You're miserable Gyulcat

    You're insecure, playing victim boo hoo - I almost feel bad for your parents that they gave birth to a brain dead child oof

    Hihi October 22, 2023 4:25 pm
    Let them be, their hearts are blind. Gyulcat

    If out hearts are blind - then your soul is BLACK, you racist NAZI supporter.

    Allah can't even help you, don't you say his name in vain, you disgusting pig

    Hihi October 22, 2023 5:02 pm

    IF WE LOOK AT THIS TIME - This is time IT IS ACTUALLY THE plaestians who started the war NOT ISRAEL - they bomb INNOCENT CIVILAINS - UNPROVKED MIGHT I ADD- as you like to scream and cry about. NOW they are getting all the heat and they are SUPRISED? oh no! look at the consquences for my OWN actions!

    I never said we can bomb children - fix your filthy mouth and spot spouting nonsense. HAMAS was voted in by BOTH the West Bank and GAZA! BY BOTH! In “elections” and if palestains really hated HAMAS they would fight against HAMAS not ISRAEL who are trying ot help them aginst those who actively tourure and kill palestians in GAZA! While yes the west bank has the PLO they are VERY MUCH connected! I ACTUALLY LIVE here I would fucking now that you very much - you are just a privelleged third party

    No you please stop playing the victim - its such a bad look - ewww. ALLAH proectects the ARABS in ISRAEL by giving me the oppuritunty to have an ISRAELI mother!

    The quran says “whoever slays a soul, it is as though he slew all men; and whoever keeps it alive, it is as though he kept alive all men;" - ALL LIVES MATTER under allah inlcuing those of like me and the ilsraelits. GO PRAY for you sins and tarnashing his name.

    mashallah allah may you he forgive you for your sins (incluing your pay porn addiction LMAFO) and learn the truth

    Hihi October 22, 2023 5:19 pm
    Wat does anything of this habe to do with me reading gay manhwa i do not represent a religion or a country. Ham/as is a resistance organisation, and no country was freed with "peace" where were YOU for the pas... Gyulcat

    No surprise. As a member of the LGBT community, seeing other LGBT individuals or supposedly LGBT "supporters" support Palestine is bizarre. I do not understand how some of them can be so fucking delusional. Islam is NOT pro-LGBT, just like Christianity. Many Muslims would gladly kill and oppress LGBT individuals - including palestine and hamas.

    1. No, I do not support children being fucking bombed. No, I do not condone genocide of either side. The fact that that is what many of you took away from my original statement is stupid. Innocent civilians in Israel and Palestine do not deserve to die because of bullheaded blood-thirsty governments.

    2. If you want to fly a banner with "queers for Palestine," I don't care. You do you, but don't come crying when others at a Palestine protest are not receptive.

    Hihi October 22, 2023 5:21 pm

    Also @ Lanaloaf its laughable how you criticize grammar when you don't turn on your replies you hypocrite

    Hihi October 22, 2023 5:24 pm
    nga stop yapping. Israel ARE the oppressors, sure war is bad but sometimes it’s necessary. Stop acting like a know it all and shut the up ManhwaEnthusiast

    Did you just JUSTIFY the killing of INNOCENT CIVILIANS - you are sick in the head, you fucking genocidal Nazi

    Ok, Sure lets say Israeli are the oppressor, then don't come crying when Israel is fighting back and beating their ass? Like you said War is bad but it is necessary so don't whine when Palestine already lost 3 wars lmafo

    Hihi October 22, 2023 5:26 pm
    Wat does anything of this habe to do with me reading gay manhwa i do not represent a religion or a country. Ham/as is a resistance organisation, and no country was freed with "peace" where were YOU for the pas... Gyulcat

    @lanaload and this retarded idoit - you seriously need medical attention - go ask your parents to get you a therapist - this anger from someone who the war doesn't even directly impact is not normal..

    So much this. Iran, you know the country who are beating their young woman to death for not wearing a piece of cloth covering their hair, is funding the terroists called Hasmas, the head of the Palestinian government. I would like any of the ticktock activists, keyboard warriors, Greta Thunberg’s to go live in countries like these for a few years and really see the type of individuals their supporting here. They’d likely not be alive, nor would they have a voice if they were stuck in jail for voicing opinions.

    You can simultaneously denounce Hamas as the abhorrent terrorists they are and empathise with the Palestine people. Hamas is predicated upon the genocide of Jews and extricating innocent Palestinians from that reprehensible ideology is a Gordian knot when people vehemently refuse to distinguish.

    I dislike the incendiary language of Hamas galvanising Muslims into a simulacrum of a holy war as well and I’m too cynical to believe none of these protesters don’t sympathise with Hamas under the veneer of righteous indignation for Palestine.
    Antisemitism pervades like an insidious corruption protests like these.

    Hihi October 22, 2023 5:27 pm
    Most of us here aren't religious so keep that out of the picture will you ? Second if you're talking abt religion why are you here ?? You're such a hypocrite , well what can I expect from a pro isr*Eli And thir... ai nay

    Read my other replied they are more then enough to educate you stupidity, I dont have time for you, just like your parent don’t lmafo

    You are fucking delusional and sick in the head? NO fr what is wrong with you supporting hamas - HOMOPHOBES that KILL AND LYNCH GAY PEOPLE.. now that is seriously concering and something is just not right with your head… at least Lanaloaf doesn’t support these genocidal manicas and unlike you actaully seems to care about the children.

    WHY are you trying the deflect what I said and address it DIRECTLY you pussy - OFC RELGION matters! YOU support hamas, who follow SHIRA LAW - a terrorsit organization that BEHEADS GAYS - the GAY you fetishize EVERYDAY - they would glady kill all the authors that write the manga you read and YOU for reading it- PLEASE I BEG YOU - TELL ME I AM WRONG! Please Allah I beg to be wrong! I am asking you do you want to die for supporting or being GAY?

    HAMAS LYNCHS and beats women for not wearing a hijab and praying? Do you pray 5 times a day and wear your hijab everyday - well you better of hamas will try to kill you if you were in gaza.

    GAZA is full of love? are you retareded? PLEASE don’t lie - please tell me have you ever come to Israel? Have you ever been in Palestine or GAZA? NO FR please don’t lie - BUT YOUR ANSWER IS NO- you haven’t

    IDK who brainwashed you to believe GAZA of all places is all sunshine and rainbows, you scream free plaestine - but please enlighten me… WHAT WILL HAPPEN WHEN HAMAS is FREED? PLease tell me your logic? Use your brain… the second Hamas is freed they will try to genocide not the Just the jews - the jews are the least of my concern- they will try to KILL OUR MUSLIM Brothers in the west bank, lebanon, egypt, jordan etc. BE REALISTIC

    No Hamas is not a resistance organization - they are serial killers - They KILLED 500 palestians just a few days ago and bomb ed300 INNCOCENT tourist and civilians - not just jews but OUR MUSLIMS brothers AS WELL? They shoot rockets at ME a Muslim - they don’t give a fuck about you - WHAT DONT YOU UNDERSTAND?

    You are so racist and blinded by hate towards the jews and that you can’t comphrebend they are trying to kill ME and YOU?

    Hihi October 22, 2023 5:27 pm
    Wat does anything of this habe to do with me reading gay manhwa i do not represent a religion or a country. Ham/as is a resistance organisation, and no country was freed with "peace" where were YOU for the pas... Gyulcat

    Read my other replied they are more then enough to educate you stupidity, I dont have time for you, just like your parent don’t lmafo

    You are fucking delusional and sick in the head? NO fr what is wrong with you supporting hamas - HOMOPHOBES that KILL AND LYNCH GAY PEOPLE.. now that is seriously concering and something is just not right with your head… at least Lanaloaf doesn’t support these genocidal manicas and unlike you actaully seems to care about the children.

    WHY are you trying the deflect what I said and address it DIRECTLY you pussy - OFC RELGION matters! YOU support hamas, who follow SHIRA LAW - a terrorsit organization that BEHEADS GAYS - the GAY you fetishize EVERYDAY - they would glady kill all the authors that write the manga you read and YOU for reading it- PLEASE I BEG YOU - TELL ME I AM WRONG! Please Allah I beg to be wrong! I am asking you do you want to die for supporting or being GAY?

    HAMAS LYNCHS and beats women for not wearing a hijab and praying? Do you pray 5 times a day and wear your hijab everyday - well you better of hamas will try to kill you if you were in gaza.

    GAZA is full of love? are you retareded? PLEASE don’t lie - please tell me have you ever come to Israel? Have you ever been in Palestine or GAZA? NO FR please don’t lie - BUT YOUR ANSWER IS NO- you haven’t

    IDK who brainwashed you to believe GAZA of all places is all sunshine and rainbows, you scream free plaestine - but please enlighten me… WHAT WILL HAPPEN WHEN HAMAS is FREED? PLease tell me your logic? Use your brain… the second Hamas is freed they will try to genocide not the Just the jews - the jews are the least of my concern- they will try to KILL OUR MUSLIM Brothers in the west bank, lebanon, egypt, jordan etc. BE REALISTIC

    No Hamas is not a resistance organization - they are serial killers - They KILLED 500 palestians just a few days ago and bomb ed300 INNCOCENT tourist and civilians - not just jews but OUR MUSLIMS brothers AS WELL? They shoot rockets at ME a Muslim - they don’t give a fuck about you - WHAT DONT YOU UNDERSTAND?

    You are so racist and blinded by hate towards the jews and that you can’t comphrebend they are trying to kill ME and YOU?

    Hihi October 22, 2023 5:29 pm

    I don't have time for you all - I have said more then enough and debunked al your stupidity in my replied

    if you want to criticize, first directly address what I said.

    if you like grammar so much 1. first use it correctly go work for grammarly 3. you aren't deserving of good grammar so stfu

    Hihi October 22, 2023 5:32 pm

    and BTW @ Gyulcat you started this.. on a gay porn site.. just like palestine always starts wars and useless shit - I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree

    ManhwaEnthusiast October 22, 2023 7:22 pm
    Palestine did exist with Al Aqsa and the Quran does not mention Israel because Israel was established in 1948 with the Nakba and the Quran came out way before 1948 are you fucking stupid. Learn to write proper ... Lanaloaf


    Hihi October 22, 2023 8:49 pm

    Period what? Lmafo - respond to me first bithx

    Hihi October 22, 2023 8:50 pm
    Period what? Lmafo - respond to me first bithx Hihi

    Let me correct myself i meant to call you a BITCH ;)

    Spookiboi October 24, 2023 5:15 am
    Reply to LanaloafSince you seem so upright who started this time? Where were you when Hamas was burning infants and raping woman? In islam you can't be a queer and alive you simply get killed, read Quran. and f... Alex

    Me when I make up stuff in support of the holocaust happening to the Palestinian people

    Alex October 24, 2023 5:35 am
    Me when I make up stuff in support of the holocaust happening to the Palestinian people Spookiboi

    Read history, no one is making things up. Go to your local library and look it up or google it, you pick. your lack of knowledge is nothing to be proud of. and talk with actual proof and data like i do.
    And didn't Holocaust include Jewish folk thrown into Furnace, lethal gases, human experiments, and an actuall genocide? So how dose it resemble any similarities to Israel defending their home from hamas?
    Seems like you didnt even read Quran. It's either your eyes or your brain, get them both checked.

    Alex October 24, 2023 5:58 am

    What period?
    So you guys just see the part that benefits you? And that's it? There are more than enough evidence to prove that there was never a country called Palestine, the word Palestine comes from a Latin word Palestina that was used by Emperor Hadrian to humiliate People of palesty whom he defeated AKA Sons of jacob, Jewish folk. That land was called promised Land way before your Muslim ass arives there.