Lake outing: Edith will mention this Date idea and Killian will actually be very excited about it. When they were about to leave Lizzie sees them and asks them where are they going which Killian and Edith explains the lake date. Lizzie will try to get in the date trying to act all pitiful but Killian just pats her head and says they could all go together next time because now he was going with Edith only. In the date they have a Wonderfull time and even kiss but here happens something, out of nowhere the boat will make a weird turn causing Edith to fell to the water (which was freezing). Edith was saved by Killian and he was actually so freakin scared. He was yelling and asking for help and begging to not die because if she did he would never forgive her. She was asleep for three days and only Killian and Anna the maid took care of her. When she woke up Killian was almost crying and explained everything. But here is the thing, when Edith was asleep she was in the system of the novel and a message came through, “the author of the novel exceed the use of the characters and has lose power on them” which means the boat incident was no coincidence and since Edith didn’t die so the author lost more power (Lizzie). Lizzie will come by to check on Edith and will say “I try to visit you but I was rejected so many times” she as basically saying she was rejected and Edith didn’t want to see here and that’s when Killian said “Edith didn’t reject you, I was the one who denied you entry because she was in no condition to have visitors.” Lizzie was shocked but couldn’t say anything. After this incident Killian starts to suspect Lizzie realizing how every incident of the house that Edith was blamed for, Lizzie was in the picture always. So from this moment Killian no longer trust Lizzie or Cliff. After this incident Edith claims the captain of the boat innocent and actually saves his life so because of this everyone in the house changes their view and starts to care and respect Edith. It was also revealed that the maid who said Edith was guilty of the poison incident was killed….. so Edith was free of guilt. After this incident Killian is much more protective of Edith and slowly he realizes that all the time he thought badly of Edith there was no reason for it. Edith was a warm, caring and honest person and he was already falling for her. Killian starts to quicken the process for their territory because he wants to leave with Edith soon.

Lizzie and Edith outing: Lizzie invited Edith for a girls day so Edith accepts hopping for a nice relationship with Lizzie (Edith has not figure out the Lizzie is the horrible author but has her suspects). They go to a bookstore and it was a 18+ bookstore which was suggested by Lizzie not Edith. After a while lizzie was gone and Edith couldn’t find her and then some weird obsessed dude came which has named Fred? Frank? I can’t remember but he was some of the many dudes who were obsessed with Edith and tried to harm her. Now while Edith is fighting for her life, the moment Killian was told the lizzie invited Edith to go out he had a bad feeling (towards lizzie) since he already suspects her and actually goes where they were supposed to be and find lizzie and her maid which lizzie said she lost edith and couldn’t find here but thanks Anna (Edith maid) she corrects Lizzie and says that the Edith has not left the bookstore and that she was there because of lizzie. Killian will find Edith after she was able to fight and run the obsessed man. Killian felt a rush of anger and blamed Edith for her past but he later says how he didn’t understand why he always had a need to blame her (this was the author manipulation). Edith is saved and again a message which said “the author of the novel exceed the use of the characters and has lose power on them”. Lizzie had tried to harm Edith 2 times already and her power weakens. After this Lizzie is acting all victim like as if she was the one who almost got kidanpped, something everyone though it was damn fucking weird. Edith asked Lizzie in a respectful matter if she had said something about their outing and annoying ass mf Cliff yells a Edith telling her how dares she trying to put the blame on Lizzie buuuut Edith is no pushover and she clapped back and told him that he was way to fucking sensitive and that she was just asking. After this cliff was not able to respond.

International ball: In this ball it was the perfect setting for Edith and Killian to shut all the rumors regarding their relationship. They even costume tailored their outfits (Killian’s idea). For this, is a tradition in the Ludwig family to lend the necklace to the Daughter in law which was Edith but Lizzie was already asking for that necklace which made Killian very made saying it was rude to Edith and him not giving the necklace to Edith. Edith trying to evade problems said it was fine and that she would rather use another necklace the fitted her outfit and his outfit. Also a very important matter is that both the duchess and the duke became much more nicer and as a matter of fact the duchess wears a dress chosen by Edith, something she brags in the ball saying how nice her daughter in law is nice and has a good taste. Killian doest leave Edith side and they are very lovely with each other but sadly Edith father appears and tries to drag her but Killian protects her. Edith was very scared but couldn’t tell Killian why so they went to the balcony and well they kissed and almost fuc*ed in the imperial palace haha. Anyways the crown princess is very closed to Lissia and she is going to insinuate to the Crown princess that is being bullied and that Killian hates his marriage. Crown princess will try to humiliate Edith but Killian protects her and doesn’t let the crown princess hurt Edith. The crown princess will say that its impossible Killian has let go of this feelings for Lissia and he said “If it was possible for you to let go of Cassis then I as well let go of this immature feelings”. Killian also scolds Lissia asking her what in the world she was talking about them? Which Lissia couldn’t answer and was shocked. Edith was able too clean and her name and the princess did apologize to her and admitted she shouldn’t have acted like that. The crown princess even invited Edith to the palace in the future.

War: so Edith family made the first move to try take over the land so Cliff, Killian and the Duke had to go and manage the situation. Cliff and Edith were together as much as possible since neither of them wanted to leave the side of the other. They were even late because they were busy doing the deed. The night before Lizzie will one again try to Win Killian but he rejected her so she went again with another very exposed gown to his room she admitted she knew about this heart and he was like huh? Then she got closer and told him if he could give her a kiss and in that moment he thought if this would have happened before Edith arrival he would have accepted but now he couldn’t get his mind of Edith so he rejected her and treated her once again as a sister. Lizzie was now panicking and realized she no longer had any power over Killian.

The kidnapping and execution: After the three of the men left, a few days goes by and they tried to kidnapped the three of them but only Edith was kidnapped, actually Edith saved the duchess. After this incident annoying ass Cliff went to rescue them but Edith was nowhere to be seen and Lizzie said how she was probably a spy for her family AND OF COURSE THIS MF BELIEVED HER. Edith was kidnapped by her family and was malnourished and beaten but she was able to escape. The duke and cliff told Killian that Edith was a spy and a traitor but he did not believed at all and even said that there was no proof just Lizzie words. Killian even said that is he truly was a traitor that she was going to die by his hands. Eventually, Edith was found and put under prison because everyone (except Killian, Anna and Lennon) believed she was guilty. It got to a point where she accepted her death and that’s when the system appears and said “Congratulations you succeeded the 3rd condition, the characters are no longer the author influence” The 3rd condition was for Edith to accept her dead… Anyways Lizzie would come by and act all victim like trying to vie Edith a hotpot and a blanket but in reality she was going to frame Edith for hurting her so she stabbed her self in the arm and yelled for help. Cliff of course been useless as always was ready to harm Edith but Killian protected her and started to spit facts (slay) Killian said it was impossible it was Edith because 1- the knife was warm and Edith was freaking but guess who wasn’t? Lizzie who was holding the hot pot. 2- It was impossible Edith would tried to harm Lizzie, the jail bars were to thick to allow anyone to stick there arm out. After this Edith will faint because of how cold and exhausted she was. While she was asleep Killian was moving everything to prove her innocence which he was able to do so. Both Anna and Lennon testify in Edith favors and Lennons part was important because he was the only witness that saw the whole situation where Edith was also kidnapped and framed by her own family. Killian was furious with the Duke and Cliff and he even told cliff that if he had to he was going to kill him if that meant having Edith save from him and Lizzie. Killian also pointed out the it was Cliff negligence that almost killed Edith because he didn’t properly searched her and casually just believed everything Lizzie said. The Duke for the very first time gave Killian the voice to speak and the space to claim his demands. After this Cliff was genuinely embarrassed and hurt for everything Edith went through. Edith wakes up and Killian explains everything. He asked for forgiveness over an over for himself and for how the family treated her. After Edith wakes up, Cliff comes by very embarrassed and dissaponted with himself and Lizzie and asks for forgiveness but Edith stops him and tells him that she is not interested in his words and only wants to speak to Lizzie.

Author and Edith: Edith and Liz had a conversation alone where Lizzie admits everything and how she was the one who caused the whole framing situation. The documents, the poisoning, the boat, the stalker and the kidnapping was all Lizzie doings. After this Edith tells her how childish she could be by hurting 13 souls? Which Lizzie said they were already dead (bitch). After this Edith tells Lizzie she should start living a correct life because now everyone in the duchy knew what she had donde (the stabbing incident). After this Edith takes her time to recover and Killian is taking care of her not allowing anyone unless is Anna or Lennon to visit her because he no loner trusts anyone. The Duke and the Duchess were ashamed and ver apologetic and constantly asked for forgiveness by trying to visit her and giving gifts. Lizzie locked herself, lets just from this point she starts to slowly go crazy. Killian and Edith leaves for their territory

Killian and Edith ending: Before they left, Cliff and Lizzie had their wedding which was way to fucking extravagant and the Duke and Duchess were not happy with it. Killian and Edith were all over with each other and Lizzie was not very happy with it. When they arrive to their territory Edith admits she thought he only wanted to be with because of her body wich Killian was shocked and even calls her stupid women and starts yelling how much he loves her and that he was never ever letting her go. Kilian and Edith are amazing together in managing the territory. Edith implements health insurance and other modern systems from her world to the novel world. Killian loves so much Edith like so fucking much. I didn’t mention it a lot in the arcs because it would have ended being way long but when im telling he loves her HE LOVES HER. He protects her, gets jealous, lusts for her all the time and only thinks of her. Killian wanted Lizzie to be punished but Edith was the one who stop him from doing anything dangerous. Killian is crazy for Edith but not in the unhealthy way Cliff was with Lizzie. Now Edith gets pregnant and Killian is so happy that cries and tells her how grateful he was and how happy she made him. They had a baby boy and because of Edith body (wide hips) the labor was not that hard but Killian wouldn’t stop crying. The baby is named Erdin (I think something like that). Killian has his own set of knights which all of them has a crush in Edith and Killian was very jealous but he says how he realized so late how beautiful, charming, warm and amazing women her wife is that everyone knew before him. Important detail but Edith explains to Killian how she never was in another man and it was her father who made her flirt with everyone to gain information (so all the rumors were lies). Edith also explains she comes from another world which Killian took a while to believe but eventually he realizes it all makes sense. Eventually they have another baby which is a baby girl who is tomboyish.

Lizzie and Cliff: WELL everything goes downhill. Lizzie no longer has influence on the characters so she basically has todo everything based on her looks and her narrative of “im a poor illegitimate child and no one loves me” something the Duke, the duchess and even cliff is kind of tired of it. Cliff admits to lizzie he knew about everything (yeah this mf knew about the boat incident was Lizzie doing) but he didn’t said anything because of his fear of losing her. Lizzie starts to show her true color but Cliff is unable to detached himself from her and keeps being obsessed. Lizzie will start to make a lo of problems in the duchy; first the wedding was so extravagant people started to talk, then she wanted to organize the annual ball the family did which the Duke and Cliff told her to wait a little be more to gain experience but she threw a whole ass tantrum so the duchess who is the hostess who organized it gave her permission to do so. The ball was so extravagant people started to talk how maybe the Ludwig family was trying to overtake the emperor. Lizzie was no longer ok at all, she would constantly fight with cliff and everyone from the duchy. In a tea party she felt another women was not paying attention to her so she slapped the women??? She was put under probation and Cliff was miserable (karma bitch). Lizzie will even start thinking how Cliff faces is boring and the she would like something new, like the crown prince so she went and tried to seduce him but the crown prince had no interest whatsoever in her and actually mock her by saying “so you are the most beautiful women in the kingdom?” With a very sarcastic tone that Lizzie notices. Because of this the emperor contacted the duke and asked him what the hell were they planning because their Daughter in law was doing extravagant events and meeting with the crown prince. The duke had enough and even fought with Lizzie. Around winter they receive letters from Killian and Edith and everyone who was so gloomy became very happy. Eventually Lizzie was getting out of options so she opted for the final thing. In the novel the emperors nephew was missing and the original Lizzie find him so in this time this Lizze tries to find him but fails so she gets a slave and make him a tattoo that looked exactly like the mole the original nephew has but she fails. At first people fell for it but they later realized she lied becase the mole was on the wrong side. She was imprisoned and the duchy was the talk of the whole kingdom of how Lizzie ruined their reputionation and family name. The original nephew was found by Killian and Edith and because of this the emperor was very grateful and grant Edith a wish which was spare Lizzie life (they were going to execute her). The emperor agrees but with the condition she is sent to a monastery for the rest of her life, she will no longer be a Noble and her marriage with Cliff is annulled. After this, Cliff is not only depressed but feels a big guilt towards everyone because he feels Lizzie became like that because of him. He will invite Edith and Killian for lunch in which he again and asks for Edith forgiveness which she accepted. Cliff will even say that he wanted to give the duchy to Killian but Killian stopped him and told him that their territory and Count title will no be taken away because that was His and edith hard work (I LOVE HIM). Edith and Killian will tell him that if he truly feels sorry and wants to amend his mistakes then he should repair the duchy and make it even stronger than before. Cliff was very thankful and even said how he thinks he will never be able to be as happy as Killian and Edith. Well… he does remarries. Cliff remarries a women completely different than Lizzie. The novel explains she had plain looks but she was a very elegant, honest and very warm women who won cliffs and everyones heart. Cliff even said how Lizzie was never honest with her feelings and he was the one obsessing but this time he had someone who loved him just as much as he loves her. The women is brown hair with green eyes. I honestly feel Cliff wanted someone like Edith because he sees how peaceful and happy his younger brother and actually Cliffs second wife and Edith kind of looks similar and acts similar. Lizzie in the monastery was crazy and she would break things and fight all the time but when she got the news that Cliff got married again the people from the monastery say how she no longer fights back and is constantly zoned out (she gave up I think) THE END.

The whole arc situation is like this:
- Edith begins her new life.
- Killian and Edith rough start to married life.
- Edith helping Duchess with documents.
- Documents leak. Edith is being framed.
- Document Investigation.
- It was Lizzie.
- Kilian suspects Lizzie.
- First Night.
- First restricition clear.
- Charity Bazzar prep tea party.
- Edith makes handkerchiefs, Killian buys it all.
- Shane solos Edith, slaps her.
- Sophia enters, abuses Edith.
- Poisoned peace pie from Lizzie and gave to Edith.
- Edith is being framed, the sequel.
- Poisoning investigation, Killian on her side.
- It was Lizzie, again.
- Investigation done, inconclusive.
- Edith gift embroidery threads to Lizzy.
- Lizzy poisoned.
- Edith is being framed, the trilogy.
- Suprise, it was Lizzie.
- Edith a criminal again.
- Edith cry, in turmoil.
- Duchess, Lizzie and Edith got to royal tea party.
- Princess is friends with Lizzie.
- Lizzie tells whats happening in Duchy, implies Edith bad.
- Princess verbally harasses Edith.
- Killian stands up for her.
- Princess is wrong, she's sorry.
- Princess friends with Edith.
- Killain invites Edith out, 10 times, rejected.
- Second restriction clear.
- Killain and Edith date.
- Opera date and street date.
- Cliff meets Edith.
- Killian and Lizzie go out, on Lizzie's request.
- Lizzie fails to snatch Killian, he buys gifts for Edith.
- Edith and Killian yacht date.
- Edith drown, Killian save.
- Yacht tempered investigation.
- Suspected Captain who everyone loves.
- Edith vouches his innocence.
- Everyone warm to Edith.
- Killian realizes his feelings.
- Lizzie and Edith go out.
- Lizzie and Edith go to bookstore.
- Edith is kidnapped.
- Guess who? Lizzie.
- Edith is hurt but Killian saves.
- Lizzie begins to panic.
- Edith and Killian romance arc.
- International ball.
- Kidnapping.
- Execution.
- Lizzie breakdown.
- Lizzie and Edith talk.
- Lizzie fucked up in the head.
- Edith recovers, Killian is by her side.
- They become Count and Countess.
- Cliff and Lizzie marry.
- Cliff and Lizzie relationship tension.
- Time pass. Lizzie POV.
- Lizzie Imprisoned in Palace.
- Cliff remarries.
- The End :3
So we just went through an arc of the story if you didn’t know which was her completing the 2nd condition: “deny 10 times Killian dates”. Now form this point the author only has 30% power over the characters and 0% on Killian. Killian will start to engage more with Edith and he has no interest in Lissia; as a matter of fact he sees Lissia as his own younger sister and nothing else. It gets to the point were Killian will question his taste in women realizing how he was ever interested in someone so childish, telling himself how much he was into to Edith and that in reality Edith was not the one full of lust but himself that was always thinking of her. I will explain each arc that is coming:
Cliff meets Edith: in this part Cliff will talk to Edith trying to give her tips of how to romantize more Killian. He was a complete asshole because he admitted he knew about his brother inferiority complex and dismissed it like??? In their talk Edith asks why is he doing this with Cliff admits he has noticed Lizzie a little bit more interested in Killian so yeah. Cliff is a weirdo mf let me tell you… like WIERD WIERD. Anyways… he mentions Edith the she should go to the lake with Killian since he has his own Yacht and loves sailing. ALSO I don’t remember if it was after this outing Killian or after the date with edith but Killian will be in his room and a knock came by on the door, he was excited thinking it was Edith but in reality it was Lizzie wearing a much more exposed gown something Killian felt uncomfortable and will think how that kind of clothing only suit his wife Edith.
Lizzie and Killian outing: well this was something lizzie mention not Killian. Killian no longer sees Lizzie with love eyes but as a family member. This outing was mention when the four of them were eating and having tea together. She was literally right next to Cliff and told Killian to accompany her… in the outing she was only interested In the cute and childish stuff something Killian was actually not interested in it since he was now into the mature side (Edith). There is going to be amount where he buys stuff for Edith and Lizzie tries to get in between saying that maybe Edith won’t like it which he responds “I think I have gotten to know my wife better Lizzie”. After this he goes to Edith giving her the stuff he bough which she was grateful, in that moment Killian thinks how Edith reaction to receives gifts was much more welcoming than Lizzie (this because she would try so hard to say no but a the end of the day she would accept. it) Oh and in this outing she would grabbed Killian’s arm something he was shocked and felt uncomfortable, in fact he never stopped thinking about Edith.