Why are people saying the main couple is boring?

Mimi October 20, 2023 5:36 pm

If I were to patiently await the gradual release of chapters, following the main couple might become draining. However, if you binge-read this webtoon in one go, you can truly appreciate the ebb and flow, the progress and setbacks of the main couple. It's important to remember that we're dealing with a mental health issue, specifically DID. People facing such conditions have endured significant mental turmoil, and I believe it's essential for the story to treat this topic with the seriousness and depth it deserves. It's intended to be a weighty subject. It's disheartening to see people label it as boring when that's precisely the theme the webtoon revolves around. I'm not some profoundly deep individual; I'm as shallow as a teaspoon with water. If I simply wanted to read about sex, there are plenty of other webtoons for that. But when I pick up a webtoon that promises to address mental health issues and the challenges that come with them, I expect to see that portrayed authentically. And this webtoon delivered just that.

    ayvan October 20, 2023 8:28 pm

    it can't be treated like "a weighty subject" or "with the seriousness and depth it deserves" when the author magically made the dude be cured or "merged" through gay sex bro yadda yadda. this manga is actually so far from actual DID it's daunting

    toilet terrorist October 21, 2023 12:09 am

    tell me you dont know what DID is like without telling me you dont know what DID is like

    Godalinva October 21, 2023 1:29 am

    Okay, one thing this manga is NOT, is a 'good representation of DID'. motherfuckers cured DID with gay sex, at this point, jinsung bussy's needs to be getting paid for the free therapy