Bruh yall chill

Blue October 20, 2023 1:38 pm

Some bozo here kept messaging me and sending me articles about how “this type of relationship isnt abusive and it’s actually okay” “this isnt rape” “this isnt stockholm syndrome, dan doesnt have feelings for jaekyung” bruh are we even reading the same story? Not abusive? Our first few chapters kept showing the constant actions of jaekyung literally punching a sparring partner to a pulp, smashing a sex partner face first into a wall, when dan asked him to slow down or stop he gets angry, shoved dans face into the bed to shut him up and says something along the lines of “you wont be going home in peace if you keep stalling or want me to stop”

I am allowed to be upset, to comment, to hate a character and to hate whats happening and still keep reading because i want to know where the story goes. Be chill whoever you are, that behavior is specifically why you were banned from commenting on the post.

    Morning Diamonds October 20, 2023 2:47 pm

    Dear Blue. What you did was wrong. If you have a problem with a person write a DM to them. Don't air dirty laundry. You are name calling. You are lying because he does say this relationship is abusive and says Dan has feelings for JK since the beginning. He does say the truth "It is not rape" and " It is not Stockholm Syndrome" You are reading the same comments?
    You are not making sense because he only made one comment. "This is jinx. Dan didn’t and this is not Stockholm Syndrome. Dan had feelings before."
    He was not banned because that comment. It was from another threads and that Op being a cyberbully.
    AND He clearly said the apposite on Dan's feelings compared to what you said here.
    You are allowed to be upset. You are allowed to hate character. You are not allowed to do cyber bully and lying about them when they were harmless. His behavior was okay. Your behavior is not. That OP behavior is not.
    Blue, he does not care about how the story goes anymore due to cyberbullies like That OP and now you. You chill and leave Cyberbullied victims alone that has turned away from you abusive people. STOP SPREADING LIES! STOP GANGING UP ON HIM! IT IS SICK! He as having a real conversation. Those are what are suppose to happen. It is good to know real conversation are ban here on Jinx. No wonder why he has been cyberbullied since July because he is not allowed to be upset or to comment. He can't hate or love a character without one of you down his throat. He has to made a new account to get away from cyberbullies. He did but on a new site where they are mature and do tolerate comments like yours. You are kicking the victim and have no clue what is happening. If you edit this to hide my comment.. I will just post it in a topic of mine. As soon as I hit post, I will take a snapshot. The best thing to do is to remove this comment of lies and personally attacking someone and talk to him directly but he may not respond with an attitude like that. Okay? He may not respond to those subjects any ways. Why are you lying and cyberybullying people. Why are you trying to publicly shame him over having a real conversation. Stop the abuse. What he did wrong was try to talk to closed-mined cyberbullies. He did nothing wrong.

    Morning Diamonds October 20, 2023 2:50 pm

    oh, stop trying to suppress his voice and others like his. Thanks for more prove that you are trying to suppress different opinions than yours. You are making this topic section boring due to the attacks on others and forcing them out of topic sections. So chill

    jojo October 20, 2023 3:17 pm

    your hypocrisy is unmatched lol
    no, they shouldn't delete this post cause they didn't use names as i remenber you did with me and another user here, also they didnt gank up on anyone.
    you telling people to delete a post when in your post you are publicly shaming a user here with your buddies i dont know if anyone has told you , but thats its called bulling, google it i dont wanna add a link here.

    DarkAngle October 20, 2023 4:41 pm
    Dear Blue. What you did was wrong. If you have a problem with a person write a DM to them. Don't air dirty laundry. You are name calling. You are lying because he does say this relationship is abusive and says ... Morning Diamonds

    Dude...what in the world is wrong with you? You are literally manipulating and gaslighting Blue. Blue was in fact the victim but you turned the setuation upside down on them. That is pure manipulation and it dosen't matter how hard you try to convince others that Blue is bad, to an outsider like me you look like the villion. As for the story it self, Jinx is in fact one of the most if not the most toxic yaoi out there. Blue is correct about everything they said, that it's about abouse, r*pe, and stockholm syndrome. The story fits into all of those boxes. Just because someone thinks Jinx isn't toxic, dosen't make the story magicly becomes not toxic (so to speak, *facts don't care about your feelings* even thoug I hate this phrase, it fits perfectly into this setuation) and people have the full right to point it out, while still choosing to read the story and no one has the right to shut them up for that. Seriously get a reality check or visit a therapist.

    Morning Diamonds October 20, 2023 4:57 pm

    Dear Blue, I am an exterior view. I stood up to a bully and stalker that will not leave these people alone. My post is not publicly shaming if she felt ashamed she knows her actions are wrong. I am not publicly shaming anyone and she has made that choice to not stop
    It was "Tell the Bully to Stop" it was standing up to her to make it clear to her to stop and leave them alone. What I did was okay as it was pure facts and not mocking or defaming her. It did not change anything or take anything out-of-context. It lasted three days, she tried to talk to one but he ignored her. However, another one gave her a chance. Due to the lies and rubbish perspective, no one they group together is going to talk to her. One of main reasons I am keep this account is her false perspective and her stalking them. She can't leave them alone.
    She was told to leave them alone on the 7th. That was not even like him. He doesn't talk that way. My post was on the 12th to get her to stop. It was clear they want nothing to do with her. She started back on the 15th trying to talk to one of them with lies. She is still at on the 20th with more lies.

    Names or not, she know who you were talking about. Names or not it is mostly a lie with suppressing others voices.

    There is no hypocrisy on this side. They have completely misjudged a few people who stood up for a rape survivor who was cyber bullied. No one took the time to understand them instead they make up rubbish to defame them.
    No one that she is referring has bullied anyone besides in mocking. They have been bullied and have stood up to it. No names or not, she knew who it was. She is obsessed with them.

    Her actions are provoking another post but it is quite boring and be a waste of time. We have moved on from her stalking them. She is putting all this effort into lying and hating two men that has moved on and don't give her any time in their day. She is forgotten.

    She and others can treat them like dirt. You, her and others can say inaccurate thing and defaming innocent people. But those negative views from hateful people are only your views and only your views. The problem is you. The problem is not the people you are treating like dirt and saying inaccurate things about. They don't label people. You labelled them. They are nothing like you. You have judged them and hated on them for your judgements. How do you hate people that you don't even know. You know are judging them from a big mess that that has gotten twisted. They have been cyberbullied since July on a lie. So I don't think anyone got to know them. The ones you are attacking here are not the real people behind the screen. You never took the time to understand them to where you are lying about them. The people you are talking about are not the real them. You are hating fake people in your head and imposing in innocent people. They have fight against for months but since they understand where it is coming from and can't get their accounts back since people will always be defaming on lies and cyberbullying they have to make new accounts. I joined to help them not have only jinx accounts. What has happen here is sick. They don't deserve this.
    So Blue, the one you are referring to seriously wants nothing to do with her. He wants nothing to do Mangago that he created his account on a new site where his opinion will not suppressed. Where he could report your comment and it would be removed. Where he could report her and many others, to where she would be ban. And make no mistake about it, if this was a legal site he would be taken actions but their blocking system is better. He would press charges on her. it is a crime in what she is doing.

    So Blue leave this up and show how she is obsessed with men that moved on from her lying childlike tantrums in attention seeking when they have been right in everything they said. It is sad that she was faced with the truth and still cyberbullied them with lies and blackmail. Has she thought about stopping the lies and stop harassing people who are no longer interest in her fake trauma drama.
    They are finish with the fake trauma drama. She needs to stop stalking and stop defaming innocent people who are in a sick mind game of cyberbullying

    "Stalking is repeated harassing or threatening behavior, or any unwanted contact that gives the victim reason to be afraid. It’s also a crime. ",know%20they've%20been%20around.

    Morning Diamonds October 20, 2023 5:16 pm
    Dude...what in the world is wrong with you? You are literally manipulating and gaslighting Blue. Blue was in fact the victim but you turned the setuation upside down on them. That is pure manipulation and it do... DarkAngle

    Ask yourself? Blue is the manipulating and gaslighting. Blue was not the victim? The one they are talking about is.
    Blue main topic was pure manipulation as they attack and lie about someone. I am an outsider. I am exterior pov. Your pov is not an outsider's POV. You need to read the comments again. You need to read more toxic stories if you think it is one of the most toxic stories. Blue is not correct. It is not rape or Stockholm Syndrome. Those are your opinions. The story does not fit into those boxes in your opinion. Who is saying Jinx isn't toxic? The one Blue is talking about says it is toxic. Blue lied.

    Stop changing people's opinions to attack them or make them manipulate or gaslight them. You are manipulating and gaslighting me here. You are out of line too.

    I did not tell Blue that. Blue was telling the other person that. Seriously, you are the one who needs that reality check and to visit a therapist. My comments are factual. Stop the fake drama. f no one has the right to tell people to shut up for that, where were you when people were telling the real victims, the one Blue is going after, and the one I am defending with the truth, just that? Blue is not the victim. Blue is the bully. I am not the villain. I am just defending with facts and facts don't care about your feelings or your false pov.

    .(^^) October 20, 2023 5:23 pm
    Dude...what in the world is wrong with you? You are literally manipulating and gaslighting Blue. Blue was in fact the victim but you turned the setuation upside down on them. That is pure manipulation and it do... DarkAngle

    dont waste your time on them they dont understand how basic communication works.
    also most of the time they dont make sense .

    HELPMELMAO October 20, 2023 6:14 pm

    lmfaooo ignore that guy, probably another alt from those rape defenders, oh wait, cant say that - they’ll come after me, i mean rape supremacists, no, rape activists - you get my point, ignore them. they were keeping quiet for some time now, dont get involved, let them have a 1-1 w themselves bc talking or tryna give sense into them ain gon do shit, lav ya

    Tang ina? October 20, 2023 7:48 pm

    Nah fr As Help is saying gen from experience

    they haven’t left me alone since October like 1st

    they’re fucking relentless and honestly it’s hilarious since some of these mfs are grown men with families it’s crazy

    Rose Blossom October 20, 2023 8:09 pm
    lmfaooo ignore that guy, probably another alt from those rape defenders, oh wait, cant say that - they’ll come after me, i mean rape supremacists, no, rape activists - you get my point, ignore them. they were... HELPMELMAO

    You guys really need to stop attacking people who have not attacked anyone. People are not Jinx. It is pathetic how when you dismiss dehumanize a person and make them a book. You guys are too obsessed with Jinx. We are allowed to stand up to the attacks and do want cyberbullies to avoid us. Our posts are not meant for you. A lot of you are more active than us. Due to your lies and cyberbullying we only have Jinx accounts. How hard is that to comprehend? We are not that active. It is pathetic how you aim at a few people who you don’t even know. You can’t even understand we are not defending the story. We are defending people, ourselves, and the truth. You keep making it about Jinx or rape. Hey my profile picture is a rose. You will make it defending jinx. It is absurd. You are not talking about us. You are imposing on us. We are not the bullies. YOU ARE. We have been bullied since July. We only protested and defended ourselves. TM and I have mocked your bullying styles. We have been actively trying to end this and don’t look for fights. We have been trying to talk about Jinx. We never started a fight. You guys started it.
    Who needs a hobby? How many traps have you guys set to just fake drama because you crave attacking them? We have noticed the traps. But what you have not noticed we don’t care. We know we will never have full access like you guys do thanks to your cyberbullying. All of us are stuck here on Jinx until we move new accounts away from you cyberbullies who can’t leave us alone or have anything better to do than to create fake drama on their victims who are not playing their mind games anymore. IT IS OVER.

    Haters/ trolls/cyberbullies once I am mistreated or it is known they are cyberbullies lose my respect. Blame the other haters. They will be met with their own toxic behavior in a more constructive manner. Speaking their language. This means I am pretending or mocking their behavior.

    You have been lying. We have repeatedly told you we are not rape defenders. We are not rape supremacists or rape activists. Disgusting.

    This is you being offended by someone harmless who was sharing facts but you were wrong. Instead of dropping it you got angry and played games and belittled him. You cyberbully him. You were triggered by your insecurities and changed everything to attack him and make him a rape defender. They never went after you but to get you to leave them alone after you stalked them which is a crime.

    can I play your mind game? HELPMELMAO is a rapist by forcing rape in a non-rape story and trying to make it look like we were a rape defender by forcing their own pov on them. HELPMELMAO is obsessed with rape. HELPMELMAO is a rapist. What this is not being a cyberbully, this is my opinion on the Jinx. I can be like you cyberbully in a game and then pretend not too. It is plain as day in what you are doing. Keep speaking loser, insecure bitches. Then make it look like we attacked when you have been trying to silence with lies and defaming us. How about stopping, rapist? Or how about getting to know us instead of attacking false versions that you cyberbullies created? Stop attacking us and then pretending like it is us or dismissing that attack like it is an opinion on a fucking story that we no longer fucking care about. You guys are so obsessed with jinx you make it real because you do like it. It is just a stupid story. We don’t care. Grow the fuck up. We are not your toys. If you don’t like being called a rapist. How do you think we have felt with you fucked up cyberbullies calling us things and then pretending it is an opinion on the story. We only wanted to talk about Jinx. We don’t start the drama. YOU GUYS DID! And continue to seek it out. LEAVE US ALONE.
    I am not hostile. But all of you can go fuck yourself as you find more healthy hobbies than cyberbullying people with lies about them.
    - a rape survivor who like Morning Diamonds has left this topic as you continue to lie and seethe about your own false versions of us. They don’t exist. You don’t even know us. We have actively avoid tangina... They are one hostile lying cyberbully that needs to go fuck themselves and leave us alone who is trying to suppress them/us. They need to grow up. It is her that has not leave us. She has been relentless in attacking us with hate that don't make sense. We tried to work it with her. She is just a cyberbully who is lying and can't leave people alone and making people the book is very odd. I am out. Your toys are no longer playing with you in your mind games. Cyberbullies leave us alone

    DarkAngle October 20, 2023 11:24 pm
    lmfaooo ignore that guy, probably another alt from those rape defenders, oh wait, cant say that - they’ll come after me, i mean rape supremacists, no, rape activists - you get my point, ignore them. they were... HELPMELMAO

    oh my god...dude you were so right, they seriously went after you, and 'went after you' is softly spoken. Just for the sake of stating that I heard both parties, I went on and read their entire message. Oh lord...I wish I hadn't. You're right, it's pointless wasting once time on people like them, they are a lost cause. Holy f*cking sh*t, I wish I could bleach my memory. Today...I lost my hope in humanity, what a pity.

    Morning Diamonds October 20, 2023 11:47 pm
    oh my god...dude you were so right, they seriously went after you, and 'went after you' is softly spoken. Just for the sake of stating that I heard both parties, I went on and read their entire message. Oh lord... DarkAngle

    Facts don't care about your feelings or lies.
    HELPMELMAO is not and was never the victim.
    HML is a cyberbully who told them to go kys many times. They told HML to leave them alone which caused HLM to start stalking them and playing the victim with lies. It was pathetic. They never went after anyone. They are normal people who have been cyberbullied. They are not lost causes. We trying to see the good in humanity. Why are you defaming innocent people? Can you stop the fake drama? Can you leave them alone? This is boring and pathetic. You are projecting. Next.

    Tang ina? October 21, 2023 3:50 am

    You guys are getting more na more desperate to seem like a victim and it’s not pathetic

    no matter what happen in the past is not the point here, what happened before is not what anyone even cares about I can assure you the only person who remembers that are you lot

    who ever the fuck harassed you before must have gotten under your skin if this is how vehemently you defend a BL you don’t even like

    this isn’t even about any moral high ground any of you are standing on

    you all lost that high ground that day your friend rose decided posting a graphic description of how they where assaulted in to one of my topics, I had to delete that topic because that description traumatized me you absolutely crazy bastards

    and being a victim does mean you’re an end all be all expert on what is and isn’t assault, are you dense?

    you’re being the hate people have for the four of you on yourselves for trying to play victim after four of you always gang up on your new “bully” every week

    despite knowing a bunch of you are fucking OVER 30 I CAN’T EVEN STRESS THIS ENOUGH YOU ARE AN ADULT OVER 30 ONE OF YOU HAS CHILDREN

    how are you this misinformed and childish?

    do everyone a favor and quit it if this keeps going I’m going to make a fucking image post with screenshots of all your stupid ass rants and spam post that on all your comments

    this is a threat.

    Morning Diamonds October 21, 2023 5:23 am
    You guys really need to stop attacking people who have not attacked anyone. People are not Jinx. It is pathetic how when you dismiss dehumanize a person and make them a book. You guys are too obsessed with Jin... Rose Blossom

    Rose, You guys are the victims but you never acted like it. You guys never ganged up on anyone. It was everyone ganging up against TM. People ganged up on you guys. How do 4 people gang up 50 or more people? Tora has asked Tangin to leave him alone. TM has never talked to her. They have left this drama. Tangina threat only proves them to be a bully and everything we are saying is true. They are trying to suppress your guy's voices over nothing. I corrected Blue's lies. I was in the right. A person is not a story. Blue's attack on a person is not an opinion. But Tangina is okay when you guys can't have an opinion.

    Tangina asked us to leave her alone. She has not left us alone. I was clear I wanted that to be MY LAST COMMENT on this fake drama. You guys never harassed anyone, and you did not defend a BL. I know you never used your rape experience as a point. Why do they keep saying that.

    Tora and Tm has left. That has been clear. I made it clear in my message. Then you said it was over. " "I am out. Your toys are no longer playing with you in your mind games. Cyberbullies leave us alone" We already left the drama. Tora will be teaching Korean. TM will be posting things. Tangina is trying to stop what has been stopped. That is funny. Maybe we need to say to her, TANGINA please leave us alone. You have request for us to leave you alone and you are trying to talk to us is getting us confused. But you are not even seeing us. You are hating people you don't know.

    ignore us as MangaSantuary said. "Agree and well formulated. We may have different view on things, but we can still try to understand the other's party opinion, and vice-versa. For that to happen a calm attitude is better (if we can)." " How to react to Morning, Tmsm?... Just let them be and don't contribute to the mockery or pour water to the arguments. Tmsm is a gentle person, Tora surely is too, same for Ina... Things only get problematic when people don't listen to each other and ridicule others instead of communicating." It is hard to see tangina as a gentle person with her acting like this.

    if tangina makes a post, especially changing the meaning and content of your messages. That would be Tangina keeping this going and showing they are a cyber bully trying to suppress voices of the victims of a sick mind game that has moved on. Why attack people who left? Tora and TM are ignoring the drama. Rose just left. I left on purky's topic

    Rose, lets do this if Tangina does that, I will correct and explain the quotes to the real truth and you, post a description of how you and then how other rape survivors were assaulted. Tangina was in the wrong today. I did not stop someone's opinion. I stop an attack on someone. If she makes those posts she will let everyone see she is only a cyberbully who will not let people have their opinions or defend themselves. How sad is that? Tangina will probably post that for this hate she has for people she barely knows. So start researching experiences to post. OR Tangina can see the truth and stop. She will be attacking people we are moved on. It would be a waste of her time and everyone else's. I hope this and my message on Purky's will be my last comment on this fake drama. WE have already stop this. It is clear.

    HELPMELMAO October 21, 2023 10:56 am

    LMFAOO WHAT DID I FUCKING SAY THEY CAME AFTER MEEE, damn man i ain getting involved in this shit again, have fun talking to yourselves on ur different accs babes

    DarkAngle October 21, 2023 12:16 pm
    LMFAOO WHAT DID I FUCKING SAY THEY CAME AFTER MEEE, damn man i ain getting involved in this shit again, have fun talking to yourselves on ur different accs babes HELPMELMAO

    It looks like Morning Diamonds and Rose Blossom are two accounts of the same person. Damn.

    HELPMELMAO October 21, 2023 12:27 pm
    It looks like Morning Diamonds and Rose Blossom are two accounts of the same person. Damn. DarkAngle

    yeah man, its always been like this, this isnt their only accounts

    DarkAngle October 21, 2023 12:27 pm
    LMFAOO WHAT DID I FUCKING SAY THEY CAME AFTER MEEE, damn man i ain getting involved in this shit again, have fun talking to yourselves on ur different accs babes HELPMELMAO

    Yeah...this is my first and last time getting involved in this. Can't fix the crazy.

    HELPMELMAO October 21, 2023 12:33 pm
    Yeah...this is my first and last time getting involved in this. Can't fix the crazy. DarkAngle

    yeah, best option there is - ive tried before believe me, nothing ever getting through to them.

    DarkAngle October 21, 2023 12:54 pm
    yeah, best option there is - ive tried before believe me, nothing ever getting through to them. HELPMELMAO

    My sympathy for you and other like you.