Andre October 19, 2023 4:52 pm

Btchs, the author doesn't need your negative comments here, like hello? If you don't like it, then leave it! Simple as that!

    LayLights October 19, 2023 5:58 pm

    Fortunately, the author/Mangaka doesn't see any of this. Actually, it would be very bad if they saw any of this, really. If they knew about this site, we'd either be in deep shit, or we would not be able to read Jinx anymore. That's what happened to-... I think it's called Painter of the Night? I'm not sure, but the mangaka threatened to expose and sue if these sites didn't stop posting new chapters of their manga. This is an illegal pirating site you're on.

    Tang ina? October 19, 2023 6:03 pm

    No true hate on the author is never reasonable

    you can dislike the story and express why you dislike it but threatening the author is never reasonable ToT

    though we can assume what they might be like through the things they write we never really know the kind of person they are irl and it’s weirdo behavior to threaten an author for writing something you don’t like

    like critique the characters and story not the dam author

    LayLights October 19, 2023 7:03 pm
    No true hate on the author is never reasonable you can dislike the story and express why you dislike it but threatening the author is never reasonable ToTthough we can assume what they might be like through the... Tang ina?

    No, but this is like, genuinely speaking facts right now. I didn't say anything to discourage the hate Mingwa is getting in my own reply, but I probably should have, because it always irks me every time I see someone threaten the creator, wish they were dead, or are just extremely hateful towards them. Like, bruh. How can you be so vile towards someone you don't even know? (눈‸눈)

    I'm all about free speech, but that really is too far—

    Lifeasa_simp October 20, 2023 3:39 am

    Girl stfu

    TM SM YZ October 20, 2023 4:06 am
    Girl stfu Lifeasa_simp

    Andre has the right to voice their opinions. Stop suppressing other’s voices.

    TM SM YZ October 20, 2023 4:14 am

    Andre. I don’t like the insult. But I am okay with your message. I think you are meaning the hate messages? There will be negative comments /reviews. That is normal. I think if you tweak that a little it would been better to what I think you meant. The hate responses are unnecessary.
    However, with that being said there are some that is hate-reading it. While their comments are hate/negativity towards the story there are still differences between the really hateful comments that are unnecessary.
    I think negative comments are okay. Hate-reading comments are okayish? But the ones that are hateful are not. If this makes sense. There are many differences between the comments. You just have to take the time to understand the person in some cases.

    sam October 20, 2023 8:00 am

    Found a person who cant handle criticism on their favorite comic. And the author aint seeing this ever dumass.

    Andre October 21, 2023 6:08 am
    Girl stfu Lifeasa_simp

    You stfu

    Andre October 21, 2023 6:10 am
    Found a person who cant handle criticism on their favorite comic. And the author aint seeing this ever dumass. sam

    YOU'RE the dumbass here girl, I guess u know nothing about THE authors that already visited this site

    Andre October 21, 2023 6:14 am
    Andre. I don’t like the insult. But I am okay with your message. I think you are meaning the hate messages? There will be negative comments /reviews. That is normal. I think if you tweak that a little it woul... TM SM YZ

    Okay, I do really understand your words. Then, I will admit that my comment is just a little bit much, BUT they don't have the right to bash the author tho just because of this story of her.

    Andre October 21, 2023 6:17 am
    Fortunately, the author/Mangaka doesn't see any of this. Actually, it would be very bad if they saw any of this, really. If they knew about this site, we'd either be in deep shit, or we would not be able to rea... LayLights

    I think you're new in this site. Actually, there's like more than two authors that already visited this site. The one is Pian² and the other one is that psychopath top (i forgot the title)... So we wouldn't know if jinx author might see their hate comments

    Andre October 21, 2023 6:21 am
    No, but this is like, genuinely speaking facts right now. I didn't say anything to discourage the hate Mingwa is getting in my own reply, but I probably should have, because it always irks me every time I see s... LayLights

    Agreed! Like they're already reading here for free and they still have the audacity to threaten or hating the author?? Like girl? You don't have the right to do that!

    Andre October 21, 2023 6:21 am
    No true hate on the author is never reasonable you can dislike the story and express why you dislike it but threatening the author is never reasonable ToTthough we can assume what they might be like through the... Tang ina?

    Agreed with u girl!

    sam October 21, 2023 9:39 am
    YOU'RE the dumbass here girl, I guess u know nothing about THE authors that already visited this site Andre

    I already know bitch, that aint the haters fault...this site is illegal...and someone decided to post it on other social media or the author just likes searching for illegal sites specifically...you think she cares about the comments? Dumbass, they want the whole site down including YOU. and every other user.

    sam October 21, 2023 9:44 am
    No true hate on the author is never reasonable you can dislike the story and express why you dislike it but threatening the author is never reasonable ToTthough we can assume what they might be like through the... Tang ina?

    True, hating on the author is too much imo too but isnt the op talking about the negative comments and not like ppl who are threatening her? I haven't seen any here...all the ppl who wanna threaten her are on twitter or something lol

    sam October 21, 2023 9:48 am
    I already know bitch, that aint the haters fault...this site is illegal...and someone decided to post it on other social media or the author just likes searching for illegal sites specifically...you think she c... sam

    By hater i mean people who call this trash comic trash. I dont see anything wrong with that, idk why ppl hate that.

    Andre October 21, 2023 9:58 am
    True, hating on the author is too much imo too but isnt the op talking about the negative comments and not like ppl who are threatening her? I haven't seen any here...all the ppl who wanna threaten her are on t... sam

    Then u're blind btch if you ain't seeing people hating and threatening her here

    LayLights October 21, 2023 10:03 am
    True, hating on the author is too much imo too but isnt the op talking about the negative comments and not like ppl who are threatening her? I haven't seen any here...all the ppl who wanna threaten her are on t... sam

    There have been... Maybe not direct threats, but definitely things like "The world would be 98% better if Mingwa retired", "I Hope the Author Dies (Probably got deleted now)", "I wish this Author didn't Exist", and just generally insulting them with varying levels of rudeness. 'They are wasting their talent', "the author should get charged and arrested for this", and just, like I said, generally insulting. Especially about the things they make, but towards Mingwa rather than the characters themselves. People have been VERY hateful towards the Mangaka on here, and have expressed some downright vile things that have been infuriating each time I see the sentiment repeated. People need to leave the Mangaka (Author) out of it, they have their reasons for making what they do.

    I suppose direct threats are not common, but I most definitely see one every now and then, and with how often people comment/make a topic here, you can't even find topics made in July through any easy method.

    sam October 21, 2023 10:09 am
    There have been... Maybe not direct threats, but definitely things like "The world would be 98% better if Mingwa retired", "I Hope the Author Dies (Probably got deleted now)", "I wish this Author didn't Exist",... LayLights

    Lmfaoo thats coz they dont have the balls to threaten the author face to face so they do that on an illegal site that has a 99% chance of never been seen by the author you all don't have to take them seriously. They ain't doing shit to the author. But yeah i gotta agree thats bad. Most of it gets deleted before i get here :( i wanna see those hate comments.

    But i gotta agree with that one "they are wasting their talent" coz its lowkey true rest can go to hell bhahahha.

    sam October 21, 2023 10:09 am
    Then u're blind btch if you ain't seeing people hating and threatening her here Andre

    Bruh its not my fault if they get deleted before i step here.