he didn't go to get tips from him, he went to see what the ex did wrong so he didn't make the same mistakes. He got the urethra toy only because he found out it was something the ex didn't do with him that he could do. Also the tips about revealing his true nature instead f hiding it is what helped their relationship stay afloat. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ but its fine if u think otherwise
imma be honest i don't even remember what exactly happened in the story anymore ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
regardless, i stand by what i said... personally i would not be happy with my partner if they were to meet up an abusive ex of mine to discuss my past sex experiences
they could have talked it out between each other, yk like normal couples would to keep their relationship healthy and afloat, but BL authors would rather eat glass than have couples communicate
that being said it seems i rated this 2 stars prob cause art was good or would have been 1 star soooo it's safe to say there was more to this that i disliked when reading hence why i've wiped it from my memory
who tf takes relationship and sex tips from their partner's ex knowing full well said ex has inflicted trauma on their partner ?!<..//!??>?/
that just pissed me off sm
like instead of asking your partner what they like/dislike and opening up to them about the things you like/dislike you decided to take the advice of the ex who abused them ???? i'm losing braincells even typing this like HOW did the author consider that a good plot device!1#!!//???