This was so gut wrenching to read, I understand both sides and ngl I secretly hoped he would run into the emperor’s arms or at least look up to him when the emperor started crying, I have no idea how they will now ever reunite and have a relationship, I fear we will go through some time skip where one of them marries someone else or whatever, OR something tragic is going to happen to either one of them which will bring them together again, hoping for the latter to happen
And don’t tell me it’s wrong to wish for something bad to happen so that they can reunite/bond again, people on this website tend to forget these are works of FICTION
This was so gut wrenching to read, I understand both sides and ngl I secretly hoped he would run into the emperor’s arms or at least look up to him when the emperor started crying, I have no idea how they will now ever reunite and have a relationship, I fear we will go through some time skip where one of them marries someone else or whatever, OR something tragic is going to happen to either one of them which will bring them together again, hoping for the latter to happen