This story is just glorified abuse and mistreatment

g0thg0re666 October 18, 2023 7:07 am

honestly just reading 35 chapters has made me feel sick, fey is just being constantly taken advantage of by pretty much everyone around her and she just accepts it with a smile because that's all she can do. I believe she's somewhat aware of the situation she's in, especially because of what her sister has been telling her but she just accepts it. It's almost like saying that you can be taken advantage of and treated like less then human as long as your happy and in love with the person, anyone who has experience with abuse I'm sure is feeling as gross as I am. I almost want her to wake up and realize that the situation she is in isn't right and she should start trying to leave before things get violent but I know for a fact that the story won't go in that direction, especially because the author introduced the whole adoption thing. I'll mark it as somthing I'm reading in case 60 chapters down the line the story changes but I honestly doubt it.

    Noxart October 25, 2023 1:23 pm

    Yes her behaviour and train of thoughts just screams trauma and toxic relationship...
    I don't mind if both their psychological state is addressed (obsession and trauma) but as you said I don't think it will :/