WTF are these racism comments about?

Morohtar November 29, 2016 1:45 am

Seriously, can you calm your tits please? There is no racism in this manga AT ALL.
It's a fact that for asians, and many other people, people of western or exotic countries are considered very beautiful (and I imagine the bronze skin colour especially since that is REALLY something asians don't get to see, blonde+blue eyes yes, black not so much I think, but bronze skin...I think that's ultra rare. Except the solarium crispy bronze skin...which is ugly as faq anyway.). Either way, it's a 'beauty standard' of sorts in asia and NOT RACIST for heaven's sake.
All of you damn annoying SJWs get out of here, because, News Flash!: Telling someone they are beautiful is, oh shucks, a compliment!

Compliment = Positive Feedback

Get it now?

    Anonymous November 27, 2016 7:06 am

    The fuck u on about? Calm your own tits. U can't go shutting off comments like u own them just cos ur triggered that your ignorant rosy vision is being distorted. And judging Fromm what you wrote I bet ur one of those ppl who thinks Asians = fair skinned East Asians. I swear some ppl get so triggered when logic and thinking comes up they just have to jump and tear at it cos their opinion matters more. It's not a beauty standard when seriously exotic means smthg foreign and is usually meant for objects or animals or a striptease. It's like saying "you don't fit on the scale that I legitimately find beautiful cos ur not my race and you're looks are rare and collectible to me because I didn't expect to find your race beautiful since I only judge other races on how nicely they are displayed for me and nothing else." Using a word associated with objects and animals on a person puts that person on a pedestal to be displayed and looked at from a distance at surface value. Sure if the person doesnt mind then go ahead. If u want to cos u just want to exert your right and authority to call people whatever you want over others then I'm not stopping you. You can count your number of true friends later. Free speech.

    Me November 27, 2016 1:33 pm

    Chill bruh, y u so triggered?

    Morohtar November 29, 2016 1:29 am
    The fuck u on about? Calm your own tits. U can't go shutting off comments like u own them just cos ur triggered that your ignorant rosy vision is being distorted. And judging Fromm what you wrote I bet ur one o... @Anonymous

    And what the hell is going on with you, kid? I never "shut anyone off", I simply stated facts that are understandable if you use common sense. I bet you didn't even read everything I wrote. X'D

    YOU are clearly the one not thinking, let alone use regular common sense since there was not a single racist comment in this manga. So WTF are you going on about? You seem rather salty and butthurt with what you wrote. I simply said that there was no racism and stated why exactly. If that is above your tiny horizon, go educate yourself.
    ""It's like saying "you don't fit on the scale that I legitimately find beautiful cos ur not my race and you're looks are rare and collectible to me because I didn't expect to find your race beautiful since I only judge other races on how nicely they are displayed for me and nothing else." "" THIS, is making you look so ridiculous and stupid, really. I have not said anythig like that with a single word and using the term 'exotic' IS a normal thing to do when it comes to people. It is not used for objects and animals alone. Go and listen to people describing models, actors, etc. You'll hear that term more than often enough.

    You are most certainly a 14 year old SJW retard with what you are blabbering about. Not only do you write in a truly butthurt way, but you are also picking a fight where there is none. Besides, what's that "Free Speech" about at the end? I have no interest in not letting you voice your opinion, I just stated the facts which clearly prove you wrong about the "this manga is racist" bullshit. And that's all.

    If you really think saying "I like your eye colour/skin colour" when someone is talking to a person of another nationality, then you are thinking in a very rasist and hostile way.

    Morohtar November 29, 2016 1:32 am
    Chill bruh, y u so triggered? @Me

    Do you mean me or the Anonymous guy that commented before you?

    Because if you mean me then I can only say that I am not 'triggered'. I am just annoyed people scream racist where it's not needed since there is no racism in the manga. Period.
    But appearantly people get butthurt over stating facts now. X'D

    Anonymous November 29, 2016 4:59 pm
    Do you mean me or the Anonymous guy that commented before you?Because if you mean me then I can only say that I am not 'triggered'. I am just annoyed people scream racist where it's not needed since there is no... Morohtar

    Triggered is when someone ignores all the points said in below comment threads, thinks he or she can shout whatever she wants without support in another comment thread while he or she chickens away from rebutting actual solid points below. You, are triggered. Don't be so upset

    Anonymous November 29, 2016 5:21 pm
    And what the hell is going on with you, kid? I never "shut anyone off", I simply stated facts that are understandable if you use common sense. I bet you didn't even read everything I wrote. X'DYOU are clearly t... Morohtar

    "I simply stated facts that are understandable if you use common sense. I bet you didn't even read everything I wrote. X'D"

    I'm guessing education in your area is rather...simple. Can't even separate facts from blind opinion. Just because u say "it is a fact" doesn't make it a fact. And I bet you didn't even read everything. Considering how you happily skipped all the comments explaining racial ignorance below and shout above everyone else like a kid as if you're the correct one. Nope. It doesn't work like that.

    "I have no interest in not letting you voice your opinion, I just stated the facts which clearly prove you wrong about the "this manga is racist" bullshit. And that's all."

    No. Otherwise you'd be rebutting the points below not trying to dismiss them at a superficial level. You didn't prove anything. You simply just wrote another "THIS IS NOT RACIST! MY COMMENT IS TOTALLY LEGIT!" Childish scream.

    "Go and listen to people describing models, actors, etc. You'll hear that term more than often enough"
    Yea and there are models and actors who are speaking up against it. Unless they're sporting some fashion trend or movie scene or a product, they themselves are not exotic. They are people.

    "I have not said anythig like that with a single word and using the term 'exotic' IS a normal thing to do when it comes to people."

    Even if you did not have that intention, the word's meaning itself is not going to change. It's literally "different, strange or unusual" what part of that directly means beautiful? Its a word that literally outcasts someone as a foreigner just for not looking like the majority. Especially when citizens call other citizens that... It may not be the intention because you don't know what it means, but when u know and still want to adamantly use it... Its kinda Up to u

    Anonymous November 29, 2016 5:25 pm
    "I simply stated facts that are understandable if you use common sense. I bet you didn't even read everything I wrote. X'D"I'm guessing education in your area is rather...simple. Can't even separate facts from ... @Anonymous

    Anonymous November 29, 2016 5:28 pm
    "I simply stated facts that are understandable if you use common sense. I bet you didn't even read everything I wrote. X'D"I'm guessing education in your area is rather...simple. Can't even separate facts from ... @Anonymous

    Happy now?

    Morohtar November 29, 2016 7:21 pm
    Triggered is when someone ignores all the points said in below comment threads, thinks he or she can shout whatever she wants without support in another comment thread while he or she chickens away from rebutti... @Anonymous

    You mean just like you do?
    I said it in my comment. I am not "triggered" I am simply annoyed by the fact you SJWs are creating problems where there are none. Especially in a well laid out story such as this manga.

    I'll gladly say it again: There is no racism in this manga.
    And if you really think there is. Why don't you point it out for me? Because at this point I am heavily asuming you don't even know what racism actually is.

    Morohtar November 29, 2016 7:22 pm
    Triggered is when someone ignores all the points said in below comment threads, thinks he or she can shout whatever she wants without support in another comment thread while he or she chickens away from rebutti... @Anonymous

    By the way, that is NOT what triggered means. Pick up a dictionary will you.

    Morohtar November 29, 2016 7:28 pm
    "I simply stated facts that are understandable if you use common sense. I bet you didn't even read everything I wrote. X'D"I'm guessing education in your area is rather...simple. Can't even separate facts from ... @Anonymous

    I did not bother reading any other threads because I am perfectly aware that this manga is not racist. If YOU get a kick out of argueing, that's your thing, but I won't waste my time with irrelevant SJW shit.

    At this point it's not even worth talking with you any further. You have more than proven that you're just another tumblr SJW feminazi that wants to create problems where there are none and justify their unimportant existence by doing so.

    You are the one trying to shut down anyone that simply sees the things as they are and you are the one trying to pick a fight with anyone that doesn't agree with your idiotic "This is racist!" statement.

    You have proven well enough that talking to you is a waste of time and that you only start argueing with just about anyone for the sake of argueing.

    Go back to Tumblr because that is the only place where you can spout shit like that and get actual support from anyone on the website you're on other than one or two of your friends.

    Now, if you'll excuse me I have a life unlike you appearantly. :'D

    Anonymous November 30, 2016 8:16 am
    You mean just like you do?I said it in my comment. I am not "triggered" I am simply annoyed by the fact you SJWs are creating problems where there are none. Especially in a well laid out story such as this mang... Morohtar

    There is no racism in this manga.

    Sure. One sentence from you is omnipotent and totally knocks down all arguments.

    I did not bother reading any other threads because I am perfectly aware that this manga is not racist. If YOU get a kick out of argueing, that's your thing, but I won't waste my time with irrelevant SJW shit.

    Yea, of course, only what you think is the all compassing truth. No substantiation, no reading of other's views. You mind is just made up. The rest is just for you to shout back and insult people who actually make an effort to write and logically explain their statements.

    Anonymous November 30, 2016 8:56 am
    By the way, that is NOT what triggered means. Pick up a dictionary will you. Morohtar

    I am aware. but I'm using the anti-sjw version of "triggered" which is used to shut down other insightful comments which don't need their blind input, because they want to fap to the blind ignorant world

    "If YOU get a kick out of argueing, that's your thing, but I won't waste my time with irrelevant SJW shit."

    then don't because you suck at it. Its more like spam. everything was all settled again and everyone was all becoming civil about it. Those who pointed out racism says that its okay to like it and read it if story outweighs problems. both sides have come to the conclusion that certain points are undeniable but the story is still worth noting.

    "you're just another tumblr SJW feminazi that wants to create problems where there are none and justify their unimportant existence by doing so."

    and if we are playing the assuming game you're just another anti-sjw who is there to add to problems that are dealt with and solved. your unsubstantiated screaming and the fact that you haven't even read anything and start another thread below just to pretend like your baseless idiotic complaining matters reflects your hypocrisy. It shows that you don't really care about the actual matter at hand. you're just here because your flaming tits can't pass the chance of raining on other people's logical comments which from what you are doing, you can't even argue against. thats like an upset child crying. You can't even read it to even understand what the hell had happened. nope. your words look like you just took one sweeping glance and said, "everything i like is good guy, everything else is bad guy" like a kid and started screaming. You think that we all should be free to call and say to people whatever we want and yet here you are screaming your tits off and dismissing and shutting down anything that you deem sjw like its an evil for you and screaming whatever you want just for the sake of opposing (considering u said U didn't reeeeaad). You guys should sort through your shit together and make up your mind about what you stand for. You guys just only live to brainlessly stomp out arguments and scream out and drag facts down even if it shows how stupid your bitching is to justify your own existence as superior and worth living. You live off attacking other people's ideas and spamming clone comments of the same denial shit without raising your own . A rather pitiful kind of bottom feeder. Well at least that is what i'm assuming in this assumption game. I'm "sure" you're not.

    "You have proven well enough that talking to you is a waste of time and that you only start argueing with just about anyone for the sake of argueing."

    hey, im not the one screaming blanket statements here. If only you bothered to read the explanations below. you came too late to the party. talking to you was a waste of my time. I thought you'd give at least smthg worth reading. but nope. screaming and more screaming like your word is law.

    "Why don't you point it out for me?"

    why don't you fucking read the comment threads. I'm not here to entertain you just because you have a hissy fit.

    Anonymous November 30, 2016 8:57 am
    I am aware. but I'm using the anti-sjw version of "triggered" which is used to shut down other insightful comments which don't need their blind input, because they want to fap to the blind ignorant world"If YOU... @Anonymous

    Now, if you'll excuse me I have a life unlike you appearantly. :'D

    I have a life too. I don't waste my time typing unnecessary comments without substantiation just to satiate the desire of opposing someone. So yea. the door's that way

    Morohtar November 30, 2016 5:36 pm

    Did someone get salty~?

    Pearl December 17, 2016 1:28 am
    Did someone get salty~? Morohtar


    Morohtar December 25, 2016 8:31 pm
    You? @Pearl

    No, but you maybe? That Anon most definitely anyway. :>