The “I can fix him” complex is fake. Just because someone feels indebted towards another person does not arise romantic feelings. That doesn't justify the actions made by Jae and never will. He may be able to reflect on what he has done but he will never be “saved” by Dan. The only thing Dan could do for him his get out. Jae may have “saved” Dan due to his ulterior motives but that doesn't mean Dan should stay.

You said it best yourself “I can fix him” complex is fake that’s why it’s a trope in fiction. It’s making the impossible possible. That’s why we read fiction to escape reality and venture into possibilities that are impossible to have in real life. He’s gonna save him cause it’s a cycle. Jae saved Dan and now it’s Dan’s turn, and he’ll probably leave at one point and Jae will chase. It’s the tale as old as time. And Dan’s feelings of being indebted to Dan has lead to romantic feelings, it’s the fact the he’s constantly thinking about him. The more he’s on his mind the more he cares. Dan is too compassionate and that’s why he sticks around. And going back to them separating at some point could make their feelings more concrete. Dan was left with an empty feeling when Jae didn’t finish having sex with home after the Heesung scene. Have you been in love? The feelings hit you one day. (Seeing what I did there, Jae is an MMA fighter, hehehe). Anyway, I should say thank you for not being mean or using the same argument most people use in regards to this series.

I mean, they are each other's coping mechanisms, I hated the idea of them together, I realised this is fiction, besides this does happen in real life, although I wish no one has to go through this, so mentally exhausting, one of the reasons why I want dan to leave his ass, honestly who gives a damn, not like its happening to me or someone ik, you can't control what people feel, I have an example of my sister's bestfriend, she's in such a toxic relationship and my sister has tried her best to make her understand, but she refuses to accept it, my sister stopped talking about him, she said she can't do anything about it, same with this ig

But why do people think the boxer is better than the loan sharks just coz he is handsome?
Dan took from money the loan sharks and the boxer.
Both the loan sharks and boxer inflict sexual abuse on dan and treated him badly.
Dan is bound to both of them by contract.
The only difference is dan dosent get gangraped by multiple small dicks, instead he gets raped by a singe big dick. (if the author wasnt girl bossing, there is no way dan wouldn't have bleed after the ramming the boxer did, coz no prep at all)
The boxer is violent towards everyone who disobeys him and so do the loan sharks. (he hasn't beaten dan yet coz he has followed all his orders till now, if dan had refused then he too will get beaten up just like the guy in chapter 4 or sm)
Neither care about what dans real feelings.
Dan will be a slave to both of them till the money is "paid".
Just coz he acted nice towards his grandmother he is better? The loan sharks never abused the grandmother (so far) either.
Those loansharks are disgusting but the boxer aint better.
People really do be blind.
+ The Painter behind the curtains is a masterpiece coz the seme cared about the uke from the very beginning...he wasn't violent or forceful...he let him not paint, let him do other works so he can pay for being saved...he was a green flag in the start unlike someone.....the boxer just uses dan as a sex toy.

He was a green flag. However, I wasn’t comparing the two tops. I appreciate your input, but I was speaking about the alternative, which was inspired by a scene in the story. It’s like I want to focus on different aspects of story other than the obvious. Mr.Raymond was good but not perfect and the Painter realized that he take Raymond, as he was, because it didn’t change the fact that he’d been saved regardless of Raymond’s reasoning at the beginning. I can make comparisons between the two men now. They both had ulterior reason for taking in the bottoms, but in the process remove them away from terrible situations, however, Jae is crueler so as to attain the attention of the audience since it’s in an over saturated market. Dan is like the Painter, they both fell for the men who helped them out and thru recognize the alternative was worse.
This story to me is a the author’s take on Beauty and the Beast archetype. You need someone to humanize the beast. Dan lacks the beauty’s back bone, which is needed to knock Jae down a couple of pegs.I hoping we get some of that in the coming chapters.
Now just my ramblings. I’d take Jae over the loan sharks any day. They had been harassing Dan and his grandmother since he was young. And you mentioned the rape subject which has been the argument since day one. And it’s not adding anything to the post. You silence my opinions with the term rape. And it’s been done countless other times. I was hoping for something more intriguing. I’m not sure what you mean by the author girl bossing.

I am not trying to silence ur opinion but u dont think that is part of the comic at all? The rape part is a valid opinion and a majority agreed upon too yk. You cant dismiss it when the whole plot is about that.
Dan has 2 choices get sexually abused by jae every day or get sexually abused by the thugs once in a while and work ur ass off on multiple jobs...both sound equally bad.
+ If jae was as ugly as the thungs will you accept it? See there is almost no difference between them when you think that way and all my points get tick off. It just comes down to his looks in the end and not the whole situation. Or "alternative".
(Look...if a 12 inch dick goes in ur ass hole there is NO WAY. you wont bleed. Unless foreplay or preperation And dan didn't bleed therefore the author is girl bossing and omitted the bloody part so that is basically thr romanticized version of irl sex or rape whatever...its not a big deal but you cant deny that unless you dont know how big 12 inches are.)
Dan is not smart...if he wanted money in exchange of sexual work he would have joined the prostitution industry wayyyy before, and imo there are wayyy more rich and respectful suger daddys in the world than jae and who would take in dan. He just didn't try hard enough smh. Jae found him just on time. good for him ig.

You do know this ".the boxer just uses dan as a sex toy." is only Dan's feelings and they are false. He does care about Dan. And just for that I could be attacked by someone that thinks I am "defending" him or "justifying" him. It does not.
Many opinions have been silenced. Many has left or they closed off.
I rather not say more. Read the story back but focus on JK and his side. See him.
It does not matter what a majority agrees to. It is what the story is saying. If the majority believes there are smurfs in Jinx does it make it true? The "majority" here could be faked.

At Sam. Let’s be clear, I don't justify any actions or violence in the manhwa. I don’t like him. He is dull. I am not defending him or whatever. I am having a knee jerk reaction talking about him and hesitate answering people. This is not an opinion. I can back it all up with the story and other stuff but would there be a point? Why go through the trouble when most here just want sounding boards to their opinions and some want to make me, who is trying to be honest and have civil conversation, a joke.
Dan doesn’t consider him the same as the loan sharks.
JK has been looking for emotional support. It is showing many times but he is not getting it from Dan. He is in love with Dan but he doesn’t know it. Isa is calling him a beast. Be belle and look inside. He is not Gaston or worst. He is coming off that way. Mingwa is doing it on purpose too. People are falling for his facade. Again, yes he is toxic. Dan needs to whip him into shape. Dan has the power in the relationship. He just doesn’t know it. He just needs to speak where JK can hear and away from when they are having sex. Jk has asked him twice now. Dan isn’t telling him. You said he will beat up Dan. If that happens, he will stop because of Dan’s reactions as he has. Chapter 1 would be one of those times. Tora was going to write a post on decoding him to help people. Do you think it would help? We basically gave up trying besides to people who seems to want to have a real conversations.

Dan doesn’t completely lack that backbone. There has been a few times he did something but he needs to start standing up to him. It is clear he has the power. He needs to speak up and let jk know things. It does need to be away from sex. Jk has asked him twice but he didn’t answer correctly. We are going to get when Dan stands up to him but I am not sure when. If I remember correctly, it is kind of following BJ Alex. So when was it when DG stood up to Alex? Someone needs to do a parallel investigation between the stories. That would be intriguing. Even Dan takes Jaekyung over the loan sharks. He even classifies them differently .
I recently finished reading “Painter behind the Curtain”and it was a great read. There is a scene where the painter is being told that his lover only saved him for his own selfish purposes to which the painter answers that
regardless of what he was being told it doesn’t change the fact that he was saved from a bad situation. And that this situation that he’s in is better than the alternative which was to be locked up being forced to work all while being physically and sexually assaulted.
And so it got me thinking about Dan’s situation and what could’ve been the alternative?
He was in a dire situation and only getting worse. Working multiple jobs, loan sharks constantly beating him, and a dying grandmother. And considering how the loan sharks eyed him towards the end, it would’ve been worse.
And without getting flamed in the comments.
Dan was bound to get feelings for Jae even if they started because he felt indebted to Jae. Dan didn’t have anything good in his life, we can argue that’s it’s still not great, but think of the alternative. So I think I’m just trying to say that I don’t want Jae and Dan to separate. Dan’s presence and feelings could save Jae.