Dear LGBTQ+ community, what are your thoughts on the word "queer"

BlueTacos17 October 17, 2023 8:56 pm

So, I've always used the word queer. Not as a slur but just as a broad term for anyone in the LGBTQ+ community and only recently found out it's also used as a slur. I was just curious on what other people think of the word.

    Pancakes October 17, 2023 9:02 pm

    I don't "queer" to be offending either. However, I tend to be careful and avoid using the word.

    Ani October 17, 2023 9:06 pm

    Wait I never knew queer was a slur? I always thought it was used to broadly term the LGBTQ+ community like you said and also for people who were confused about their labels? Honestly I feel it's a really nice term and makes you feel comfortable and not feel like you need to really think of labelling yourself in depth(?)

    ★彡 October 17, 2023 9:14 pm

    I actually prefer describing myself as queer because I’m not really 100% sure what my sexuality identity is & I don’t really care to put a label on myself I just ik for sure I’m not straight and I also don’t want to be put in a box so queer is just all encompassing for me. Also yes I knew it was a slur but we have reclaimed it.

    gros batard October 17, 2023 9:30 pm

    ive unfortunately seen it be used as an insult, or in a derogatory manner but I had no idea it was used as a straight (hehe) up slur. personally i have no issues with the word or being labeled as it

    (◑‿◐) October 17, 2023 11:06 pm

    I personally don't have a problem with it especially with how many lgbt+ terms were formerly considered slurs such as "homo", "drag", or "twink"

    And the word "queer" along with many other former lgbt+ slurs have gained new meanings in this day and age

    I love how queer is used to include questioning people into the community and those unsure of what they consider themselves, so I think it's quite nice how the term queer has evolved

    BlueTacos17 October 18, 2023 6:24 pm
    Wait I never knew queer was a slur? I always thought it was used to broadly term the LGBTQ+ community like you said and also for people who were confused about their labels? Honestly I feel it's a really nice... Ani

    Yeah even though the community has reclaimed it for the most part, some jerks still use it as an insult and some people in the community are uncomfortable with it being used.

    BlueTacos17 October 18, 2023 6:27 pm
    I actually prefer describing myself as queer because I’m not really 100% sure what my sexuality identity is & I don’t really care to put a label on myself I just ik for sure I’m not straight and I als... ★彡

    Yes, I am also not sure what my gender is but I don't really care enough about labels to find out. I'm me and that's that. That's reason I really like the word.

    BlueTacos17 October 18, 2023 6:35 pm
    I personally don't have a problem with it especially with how many lgbt+ terms were formerly considered slurs such as "homo", "drag", or "twink"And the word "queer" along with many other former lgbt+ slurs have... (◑‿◐)

    Ye, when I originally found out abt the history, I was like, "Fuck you, closed minded jerks." It's nice how we took a hateful word and turned it into a beautiful way of describing many different types of people. =)