Mines quite contradictory but obvious 3d models; as a lover of the shojou genre, the manga the manhwa and the manhua, a lot of times you can notice how obvious the characters look out of place in a setting when they have this cutesy art style next to a giant village house.
I realize, its probably so they can get out chapters quicker but at one point I had to stop reading a manhwa as it was quite literally all 3d stuff ripped and not changed with the characters looking like they're stickers on a backdrop.

Dorito body with teeny tiny head. Bonus points if he's got 8-pack abs or more.
Also really dislike when all of an artist's faces have the emotional range of a potato. Like A-chan is sad, so they draw her lips downturned but the rest of her face stays blank and still. Stop botoxing your characters . Let them have wrinkles and muscle movement and interesting facial expressions!
what's your biggest manga/manhwa/manhua pet peeve? Mine's probably when people who clearly haven't studied anatomy draw muscles and completely mess them up (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
like its probably just a me thing cause im studying medicine (and therefore anatomy) but like bro if ur gonna draw shirtless people dont like start making up random back muscles and stuff ( ̄へ ̄)