Keeping me sane

Ballz October 17, 2023 2:26 am

I understand why Sangwoo runs away he just feeling something he has never experienced which causes him to be in distress and he removed himself from the situation by running which isn’t the best way but he’s trying. In later chapters IGHHHH I DONT EVEN WANT TO SAY THIS SANGWOO KEEPS RUNNING GETTING INTO A CAR AND JAEYOUNG FOLLOWS HIM AND THEY GO FOR SO LONG THEY END UP AT THE BEACH JAEYING and they sit down together it’s night btw so it rlly nice and Sangwoo asks to try a cigarette because he wants to know why jaeyoung is so dependent on them or understand his addiction and jaeyoung is like that was a second hand kiss Sangwoo smiling back at him UGH IM SO MAD I DONT RMR THE ENDING I THINK IT WAS LIKE SANGWOO QUESTIONING LOVE BECAUSE HES SCARED JAE YOUNG IS GONNA LEAVE HIM WHEN HE GOES ABROAD HAHRNWIWIJENRNEKEJ :3
