Do people not know what goes on in cults lol

lostikins October 16, 2023 4:15 pm

You'd be shocked at the number of them that have orgies or sexual rituals. Cults aren't supposed to be good things.

What rock have ya'll been living under lol

    lostikins October 16, 2023 4:18 pm

    Fertility/wealth and "godly conception" ((where they are trying to conceive a literal God lol)) are two very common reasons for sexual rituals in cults.

    There's also some that believe they are purifying someone through sexual intercourse.

    It's not a romantic thing.

    Also, I'm taking "romanticize" "fetishize" and "normalize" away from ya'll till you actually learn what these words mean and how to appropriately apply them.

    lyndiane October 18, 2023 3:27 pm

    I think they’re still young or ignorant. I just learned about scientology, it’s creepy too.

    Eggu_chan January 11, 2024 12:38 pm
    Fertility/wealth and "godly conception" ((where they are trying to conceive a literal God lol)) are two very common reasons for sexual rituals in cults.There's also some that believe they are purifying someone ... lostikins

    God hearing the word cult makes me puke, everytime i watch a deep dive videos about cults and the narrator mentions sex rituals i'd just chant in my head "please don' involve the kids please don't involve the kids" over and over only to be proven wrong and show multiple times that YES, THESE SICK MOTHER FUCKERS ALWAYS INVOLVE THE CHILDREN >:(((( even worse if this is one of thpse harem type shit where the messiah, leader of a cult revovles the worshipping on them and so everyone's wife is his wife and all of the women are his women type of shit, which can involve their daughters. Nastyyyyyy. God they're all fucking crazy.

    I've seen videos where they'd commit mass suicides too.