I mean.... she's kinda responsible for the power imbalance in this relationship

ms. steak October 16, 2023 12:48 pm

so we're up to chapter 3 and kinda know what's going on in their lives now. I get that she was burnt out and depressed and the husband suggested marriage at the time to alleviate her financial burdens, but all the communication about boundaries and expectations up to that point were just... chores?? And even after the marriage her finance doesn't stress her out as badly anymore she doesn't just restart her career, wasting her college degree that she got in debt for, and now therefore is dependent on her husband to provide. And she's spiraling again overthinking and reevaluating her self-worth after he expresses that he wants children, girl get a grip. These doormat characters are personally so hard to read and tolerate.

    NicoleD January 30, 2024 2:45 am

    Have you ever heard of depression?

    ms. steak January 30, 2024 8:44 am
    Have you ever heard of depression? NicoleD

    I've struggled with depression half of my life, that's why it's so frustrating reading this. yeah it's easy to ruminate and spiral deeper, but at some point you gotta try to climb out of that hole you dig, and this protagonist doesn't even seem to attempt at that.

    NicoleD January 30, 2024 1:36 pm
    I've struggled with depression half of my life, that's why it's so frustrating reading this. yeah it's easy to ruminate and spiral deeper, but at some point you gotta try to climb out of that hole you dig, and ... ms. steak

    I get that. But depression manifests differently in everyone and no one goes at the same pace. Offering grace to someone who may not be where you are, is okay. Also, it’s only been three chapters, who knows how much we don’t know. I agree that helpless protagonists are frustrating because you just want them to get on with it but maybe she will after she walks out of that laundromat. Or at least I hope she will.