Due to the fact that the manga is written in a form that is framed like it's the way we read, it sounds as though someone is reading it to us like things aren't actually happening in the moment that we see them. I feel like this is either a retrospective on or by the husband like he's the one retelling the story to somebody or like remembering it on his deathbed or something or and hear me out. I think this might have the characters go back in time, just because that's such a big genre. But also I wouldn't be fully satisfied with the female lead being abused and abused and practically going mentally like insane. Insane. Checked out whatever to just have her die without getting any revenge without fixing her life without being happy with her surgery. And I just think it's where it might be going but it's not the tags so I really don't think so. It's just you know food for thought
She is so broken and alone at this point that I don't see any other way out except death for her anymore