Even if no one else is reassured or deterred by this fact, it has certainly given me some peace of mind. I already figured this was most likely the case, but the language barrier and not knowing any of Mingwa's socials where they would post said feelings, I was never able to confirm. Granted, I didn't necessarily go searching when I could've, but reiterating, I had already figured this to be the case. Though it's nice knowing for sure, so thank you for informing me of such!

Not... Not necessarily. Have you read fanfics from Archive of Our Own (Ao3) that have tags like "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat"? Plus, there's nothing in this manga that's really indicating that it's being passed off as romantic. Jinx is a dark, messed up story, and just because you might interpret it doing as such, doesn't mean that was the *intent* that Mingwa was going for. And... Idk about you, but I've read many, MANY of these dark and messed up fanfics, and many of them DO romanticize the fucked up shit, usually for porn and horny purposes, but in almost all of those said Fanfics, the author makes it VERY clear-cut that their writing does not, in anyway, represent their beliefs, views, or actual healthy relationship dynamics in real life. I'm not sure where this claim exactly came from, if it wasn't an assumption about fanworks in general.
I'm also not sure where you get the idea that this is being passed off as romantic? Or, at least, where this is claiming to portray something actually romantic or healthy in real life, if that's what you mean? I guess, having read fanfics that romanticize super unhealthy, and even toxic, traits like being obsessively possessive, controlling, power imbalances, while also having those notes and tags from the author/writer that explicitly disclaims knowing that these are completely unrealistic and unhealthy portrayals of how relationships should actually be, makes it easier for me to assume Mingwa had the same intentions behind Jinx (rightly so, if their socials with disclaimer posts are anything to go by).
The real difference, is that this Manga doesn't explicitly disclaim those things, even though Mingwa has expressed knowing this is extremely dark and unhealthy on their own social media accounts. Which, you did say at the end of your reply, the 'as long as it's labeled as such', but you made it seem like there are no fanworks romanticizing toxic and horrible relationship dynamics and character traits purely for the fact of it being fictional, with the writer being extremely straightforward and blunt about how disgusting these things are in real life, and just in general- when that simply isn't true.
They're not afraid to call the Seme in their own fanworks a disgusting individual, or talking about how horrible they are in their work of writing. I've come across and seen it so often on Ao3, and it's exactly why I love it so much. The potential for the author to be so open about themselves lends itself to people being able to discern where the author comes from and how genuine they are as, not only a writer, but a moral person.
[To be brutally honest, I've seen some fanworks that have actually romanticized rape, and it's always those ones that have the most disclaimers from the author, the most explicit and fair warning tags.]
If fictional dark romance isn't your genre, then that's fine! But it's a genre that nobody needs to explain themselves in liking, especially when they themselves know the difference of these types of relationships in fiction and reality. Which almost every single fanwork I've read (with maybe the exception of two) have demonstrated the writer vehemently expressing having that exact distinction and understanding of how wrong these things are in real life.
There's just... With how Ao3's system is, and how the community communicates, I've seen it to be the most healthiest media platform there is. I'm not sure how far your experiences with Fanfiction specifically on Ao3 goes, as you didn't quite clarify that (which is fine), but I have used it for years now, at this point. I know what romanticizing something looks like, and I also know that romanticizing something in a fictional story does not automatically reflect the writers beliefs, nor does it automatically have the purpose of reflecting what the writer believes to be an authentic and realistic portrayal of what actual romance or healthy relationships look like.
[Hell, I've even read casual fanfics that don't inherently read as if a dark fic, but still romanticize toxic, if sometimes even abusive, behavior, but the writer still almost *always* makes a disclaimer that it is an unhealthy dynamic, and not at all a realistic or healthy portrayal of an actual loving relationship.]
[Tl:Dr] I know that this reply is kind of all over the place (I'm tired, it's been a long Month), and my points don't flow or connect the best in a way that would communicate them better, but they're still points I want to iterate to you, since a dark story (and/or fanworks) absolutely has romanticization of unhealthy (and even sometimes horrific) dynamics, while still having positive, and even encouraging, feed back from the comments. And I believe that to be because of how personal the writer can get in their notes, and that the comments feed/send directly to the author. The author who has made it clear they understand how horrible and unhealthy their story would be in a real scenario, and that their writing is purely fictitious with no actual realistic portrayals of anything healthy. Jinx isn't a story being passed off as *actual* romance. At most, it's being passed off as *dark romance*.
If you misunderstand any of what I'm trying to say, let's just agree to disagree, because I'm on too low of a battery to have enough brain function to formulate a better worded counterpoint. Or, you simply disagree, which is completely fine! Everyone has differing views and beliefs that influence our opinions and biases towards certain things and notions. It's inevitable that people are gonna disagree, even if they fully understand your point. Anyways, I'm sorry for rambling, I'm just rather passionate about things like this in general. I also love Ao3, I'm probably addicted to that site- ╮(^▽^`)╭
I'm also sorry for any typos or inconsistent phrasing—

I'm surprised how many dislikes this has. It makes me wonder what about it hit such a cord that they felt compelled to dislike it... I wish they'd leave a reply or comment about what it is they seem to disagree with, because of all my topics about Jinx, this one feels (to me, at least) like it should be the least controversial...
Perhaps it's how I say and worded it. Probably comes across condescending or even patronizing in a way. I can see it. If that's the problem. I did feel like I was using words that were inherently too confident for the topic I was talking about. Though, it could simply be a sever disinterest in what I decided to ramble on about. But, to be fair, I fucking love Ao3 X3
Don't mind me, I'm just openly contemplating the possible reason why this ended up being my most disliked topic. Just surprised, is all. Feel free to correct my reasonings if the person reading this happens to be someone who leaves (or leaved) a dislike on my topic.
Despite this short ramble, I actually don't mind. This is simply an opinion of mine and a comparison I wanted to share. I'm honestly more curious on disagreeing people's thoughts, if anything. And extremely intrigued by what's making this my most controversial topic, because I'm not 100% sure.

When I made my last comment I only read her last comment but I seen the chain of replies. Now that I have read the thread. Your messages did not go to waste.
"Dead Dove: Do Not Eat" ? Should I ask?
I have not been on Ao3. Tm has but I don't think he join it. I have many comments with dislikes it is surprising but I think it is because of me.
If she read your comment she would had explain to you that here on Mangago it is tagged with romance but I don't think the Korean version is.
" Jinx isn't a story being passed off as *actual* romance. At most, it's being passed off as *dark romance*. Exact if you call this romance at all. Let's see how it would be romance when their relationship changes.
Some of the dislike could be because they did not read. They don't like long messages here. lol They will call it an essay or something. They get offend by them. They are here to read stories and this area is where you talk about the story. I don't understand their logical. Long messages help understand you better and gets the point across.

I don't have the link. TM does. I have a snapshot with 16 tags for the Korean version. I don't know if it is all the tags. I don't see romance as one of the 16 tags.
It will be a romance later from the hiatus but I don't know why mangago has it set for a romance now. I guess it is set for when it will be.

Dead Dove: Do Not Eat is a tag on Ao3 that writers will often use when they also have tags from mild to extremely messed up in context. Examples like "Torture", "Gore", "Rape/Non-con Elements" for the extremely messed up, and the Dead Dove: Do Not Eat is to say, "There's no exaggeration of these tags, this is stuff you'll actually find in this fanfic, if that's not for you, do not read." That's the meaning of the tag Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.
It can be applied to tags as mild as simply "Bad BDSM Etiquette" or just really kinky fanfics where consent is iffy and dubious at certain points. So they'll use Dead Dove: Do Not Eat to tell off and warn people that the tags are of no exaggeration, and that if any of the tags are not to you're liking or of your taste, to not read the Fanfic. Does that make sense?

With the plural of "Bitch", I'm making the assumption I was included in that statement, which... I've been nothing but respectful about the things I've said, and much of what I say is backed by numerous personal experiences that make me confident about the things I believe. If someone were to give me valid examples, or even their own personal experiences that might contradict my own views, then maybe they would change my mind, but no one's provided as such. Most of them... they'd rather be combative and uselessly insulting.
The human psyche and mind is a complex matter and unique to each and every individual. I'm sorry you are of the false opinion that we come off as delusional people, but others having differing beliefs and experiences from you does not make your statement and comment here, a valid one.
Granted, you have every right to do what you want with your time, and if you decided insulting strangers online is a worthwhile endeavor, then go for it! No one's stopping you from making an ass of yourself. Shows your character flawlessly! ; -)

I'm glad you got something positive out of all the notifications I'm sure you must be getting about this Topic Section, which, I apologize for. I know what it's like to get incessantly bombarded by notifications on here because of typing a simple reply to someone else's Topic. I had somewhat worried you were rather annoyed by it. Which, understandable, if so. I had not expected the amount of replies this would get, and the type of interaction it would have. Was expecting something totally different, to be honest XD
(Sorry if the Topic Title is misleading, I couldn't think of anything XD)
I haven't read the new chapter, I haven't even read any new topics (except maybe one), but it still somehow came back around to me through direct messages, because of how heated it's getting. It honestly makes me wonder, about a few things actually.
I am an avid reader of Ao3 content (a fandom site where you can freely read and write fanfiction), and have been for years now. I consistently and constantly come across some of the most darkest themes and the unhealthiest of relationship dynamics you could possibly read, but the comments are never really negative. Surprised, shocked maybe, or perhaps even passive aggressive, but never being so forth right about preconceived notions or personal negative biases about a particular topic of the literature, or of the creator themselves, as people can be here. And I think I know why.
One, the comments feed directly to the writer, rather than being set up as a group discussion type commenting, where readers talk to each other about the work. I feel this to be a rather big deterrent when it comes to boldly and loudly criticizing and hating the characterization, writing, or events that happen in the story. At least not without also praising the writing in some way.
Second, which I believe is probably the most important, with how Ao3's tagging system works, it's easy to make it clear your stance on the realities of the thing you're writing about in a fictional sense. Tags like, "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat" "This is Messed Up" "Do Not Read" "Unhealthy Relationships" and just being able to be very explicit and clear with tagging. Even if you don't read fanfiction, I suggest checking out the tagging system, because I believe it to be the most efficient way of implementing a tagging system, and most effective in purpose (you can also find some really fun and funny tags that can be hilariously meta about the writer themselves).
These tags being applied and established by the author/writer themselves, I think, is the final nail in the coffin that makes it hard for people to even want to criticize, critique, or even just hate on a piece of work. Granted, fanwork is completely different from original work in general (as well as manga just being wholely different from Fanfiction in many ways, but they're similar enough in some ways for me to make the distinction and comparison), so levels of critique vary due to that reasoning as well.
It just depends, but I do feel like people would be a lot more reassured and less... Urged to make the comments and topics they do if the Mangaka (Mingwa) would have made these kind of warnings and personal disclaimers themselves. Not everyone, most certainly not. And these topics don't go directly to Mingwa, so there would be no real deterrent. But it's something somewhat fascinating to compare and think about, and I was simply dying to make such a comparison, because I find it interesting. Feel free to add onto this, give your own thoughts, opposal, or don't. Whatever it is, I don't mind.
[I don't really have the energy to debate anyone anymore (or at least right now, and for this chapter) about the ethicalness and morality of Jinx's premise and simple existence, so I won't be joining in or commenting on anyone else's topics. I'll reiterate, I simply thought it'd be nice to openly talk about and compare two sites I regularly, actively, use; where one has a much more healthier community, system, and setup all around.]