Uke is broken,its clear how living as a slave dehumanized him

Justme October 15, 2023 10:51 pm

In my opinion his hypersexuality is probably a trauma response,it was his way to escape his pain living a sex slave.
I’ll probably hate many things that he will do in the future xp,doesnt mean i dont feel sorry for the life he had,so young too :/ to degrade him as simply a slut isnt okay,is cruel. Blonde seme has it tough cause to deal with someone so broken,only love and being kind wont be enough.That wont be enough for someone who probably has lived like an object. To be in a healthy relationship must be foreign to him

I feel so bad when i see a character so self-destructive and when it is the uke,its usually portrayed worse in bl. ( ̄へ ̄)

    ritsu October 16, 2023 5:55 am

    100% agree. I feel like some people who read manga, especially BL manga, with a similar character they don’t understand what trauma responses and coping mechanisms are or how they develop. I already saw comments calling Uke a slut. There’s a world of difference between someone who has a lot of sex because they enjoy it (which, to me, isn’t a problem as long as everyone involved is being safe) and someone who has developed a sex-focused coping mechanism in response to the trauma they’ve experienced.