
Ooppss October 15, 2023 5:16 pm

Can someone explain to me what is happening between the two countries I’m confused

    Sasa October 15, 2023 5:50 pm

    Basically theo went to war on silver hairs (forgot his name) country. Silver hair was one of the people he went up against. But as you know the whole baby thing happened. So as far as I know and can remember is that theos side subdued their country or smth? This is probably not helpful sorry

    fwopfwop October 15, 2023 5:53 pm

    From what i understand, Theo's country waged war against langeres first and won, killing the monarchy and their spirits save for seth who lead a revolution to fight against them. I think it has to do with their dragon ancestry. Thats about it. Now theo free seth, as per their contract, so that he can continue the revolution aka being back langeres kingdom.

    LeRain October 15, 2023 6:49 pm

    I just wanted to add that Theo's country wasn’t exactly unreasonable for waging war since the people of Langeres are dangerous, they can easily go berserk because of their ancestry.I understand why they felt threatened. On the other hand, I find it sad that such a magical country had to be destroyed, also people of Langares were friendly towards those of other kingdoms. I think this could have been solved without the war. Btw Theo didn’t have any choice but to participate in the war since his family is the sword of the empire.

    Ooppss October 15, 2023 7:19 pm

    Thanks guys!

    Black Water October 15, 2023 9:02 pm
    I just wanted to add that Theo's country wasn’t exactly unreasonable for waging war since the people of Langeres are dangerous, they can easily go berserk because of their ancestry.I understand why they felt ... LeRain

    They didn’t have to be destroyed. In fact, it was because Odea found Langeres to be a kingdom of awe and fear that they attacked. What Odea did was a simple: “I am jealous that you have more power and I am scared of your instability so I am gonna try wiping out your kingdom/country via war.” move. aka a dick move.

    fwopfwop October 15, 2023 9:09 pm
    They didn’t have to be destroyed. In fact, it was because Odea found Langeres to be a kingdom of awe and fear that they attacked. What Odea did was a simple: “I am jealous that you have more power and I am ... Black Water

    Odea's monarchy is so toxic tho i hope theo and momy theo ditch em real soon and switch to langeres real quick

    LeRain October 15, 2023 9:28 pm
    They didn’t have to be destroyed. In fact, it was because Odea found Langeres to be a kingdom of awe and fear that they attacked. What Odea did was a simple: “I am jealous that you have more power and I am ... Black Water

    Well I did say that it could have been solved without a war but I'm not surprised they felt threatened. We all know countries go to war over a lot less than that.

    Black Water October 15, 2023 9:32 pm
    Well I did say that it could have been solved without a war but I'm not surprised they felt threatened. We all know countries go to war over a lot less than that. LeRain

    If you really think about it: jealousy, hatred, religion, and resources are all people go to war for nowadays.