
This manhwa will probably end in june/july 2024 or a bit later, I predict another hiatus before that date. I don't think they will rush things only because of haters but they feel pressured and it showed in with the last hiatus and those old tweets fighting against illegal sites.. this manhwa got more popular than their previous work so it turned things more complicated
authors just announced a few hrs ago the upcoming conclusion of this manhwa on X. haters who hv bn expressing their desire for its conclusion ovr the last 1000 chapters will soon hv their wishes fulfilled. so if u'r one of those who come on here just to dampen evrybdy else's enjoyment of this manhwa to say "this is still going?" or "dropping this shit"(for the 100th time), u might want to save ur clicks.
....unless of course ur only intention is to really either just rain on other ppl's parade or convince them to hate on the authors.